- Checkpoint:Dboy sample sequencer for NDS. “It includeds nice filtering, some Kaos-Pad functions and lot of heavy stuff” http://ht.ly/3PKFb #
- Oh and there is a rad audio demo for it here: http://ht.ly/3PKIo #
- RT @4mat_scenemusic: dedicated soundchips are better than uncommitted soundchips #
- That Sp Prosound mod’s headphone jack is in a terrible spot http://ht.ly/3POQW #
- Track Marks: Tyler St. Clair interview aka stagediver http://ht.ly/3PRH2 #
- RT @radiograffiti: New blog post: Quick update on the new 7″ http://www.radiograffiti.org #
- RT @noobz_cc: Some hi quality MP3 files of the live show at upitup: http://goo.gl/ST1IS #
Tag: Education of the Noobz
TCTD Links for 2011-02-03
drx/bodenstandig 2000 new side project – Education of the Noobz
Education of the Noobz
Please consider visiting my new music site Education of the Noobz!
It contains contemporary home computer compositions, sometimes also called “8 Bit” or “Chiptune”.