Tag: Elude

  • Best Demo Production IV

    Even though this category has been devised with the milking of stock vintage hardware in mind, we had to put an Amiga demo in there.

    What do I mean with this? The expansions available for the Amiga computers, in many cases, have by far exceeded what we would consider an oldschool platform, and many of the demos being released today for the Amiga use fast accelerators and other stuff unavailable on stock hardware years ago. This puts the Amiga demoscene in a different spot to the C64 or Spectrum one. Unfortunately, the Amiga demoscene is not as blooming as other scenes nowadays. There are very few demogroups that are still releasing for it, and most just don’t cover old hardware like A500, or even a stock 1A200. Fortunately the combined output of these few groups is of high quality (Uprough being my favourite group) and every year we can count on some good productions.

    Getting a second place this year at Breakpoint’s Amiga competition and with some nice tech skills to wit coupled with a style which reminds us of “survival horror” games like Silent Hill, we present you our fourth nomination in the demo category:

    Soliloquy by Elude

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/K57fEGPptdo " width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]