- YM2413 Sample pack by Little-Scale: YUM http://bit.ly/MBUPO #
- yerzmyey scores the indie doc TRIAL ERROR FUCK http://bit.ly/15rL6d #
- Odyssey2 Music Tech Guide: http://bit.ly/zW3Vb RT: @plgDavid #
- A sample of @nocarrier video playback NES Vjing http://bit.ly/KwQl4 #
- New Amiga Doc in the works Viva Amiga: http://bit.ly/eS3xS #
- RT: @minusbaby: • Jason Degroot a.k.a. 6955 talks about "Fez": http://3.ly/Ypt #
- Chipmusic documentary Blip Festival: Reformat The Planet screens tomorrow 10/02 in Montréal • http://bit.ly/2vC9Wv RT: @8bitpeoples #
- Who is e*rock? He e*rocks this like Mr. Spastic would: http://bit.ly/KaBGo #
Tag: e*rock
TCTD tweets from 2009-10-01