Tag: Jeri Ellsworth

  • SID Bass: Jeri Ellsworth’s FPGA-based SID keytar

    I haven’t heard of Jeri Ellsworth in a while but every time her name pops up around my news feed is because she’s done something awesome.

    This time she has made an hybrid bass guitar-SID chip thing, controlled by an FPGA and using a real SID chip to play the sounds (from both the strings and the Commodore keyboard).

    Enough blabber, check out an interview and demo on the first part of this video:

  • Jeri Ellsworth does it again: Analog audio recorded on a floppy

    Pretty smoking news, these…

    Jeri Ellsworth, woman behind the C-One reconfigurable computer and the Commodore 64 DTV, among many other brilliant things, has developed a way to record analog audio to 3 1/2″ floppy disks.

    I was pretty amazed at the results, which you can check on the following video:

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Xpr7B-7BFP4" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    I want to see Burnkit 2600 using one of these :)

    via: Hack a Day .