- OldPlay game music format player ported to dingux: http://bit.ly/bfsGVC #
- Sorry Nanoloop, I still love you! #
- The “Comic Bakery” Theme Plagiarized? http://chiptuneblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/comic-bakery-theme-plagiarized.html #
- 4mat_scenemusic: imo it’s probably a cover of Comic Bakery, those Compunet guys worked pretty fast back then. # … the other song is a cover of “Forever Autumn” from War of the Worlds, hence the title. #
- A nice writeup in @PopMatters examines a cross section of the 2009 Blip Festival, courtesy of Vijith Assar. #
- Reminder: Datastorm 2010 is this weekend: http://www.datastorm.se/ #
- Awesome pencil/paper Zelda design docs from 1985, click on “Bonus 1” on the top menu: http://tinyurl.com/ya5gqbs via#
- I love chipmusic: http://ilovechipmusic.tumblr.com/ #
- NEW EPISODE ONLINE: http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/pa-the-series/109/ via #
Tag: OldPlay
TCTD Twitter Posts for 2010-02-05