- GameSetWatch – Hydorah Composer Releases Shinobi-Inspired Album http://ht.ly/4AG2r #
- Inside Handheld Game Art: The Art Style and Making of Swords & Sworcery, Superbrothers Pixel Cinema http://ht.ly/4AG4r #
- GameSetWatch – The Problem Solverz Lampoon Pitfall, Outrun http://ht.ly/4AGbx #
Tag: Superbrothers
TCTD Links for 2011-04-15
TCTD Links for 2010-12-23
- George & Jonathan, Cheap Dinosaurs Headlines MAGFest Chiptunes http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/12/george_jonathan_cheap_dinosaur.php #
- RT @fluxjerk: My code for soft-resetting back to the menu works on EMS 32M carts. Will it work on 64M USB? http://bit.ly/eptsK8 #
- RT @heos2a03: Awesome new FoD song! http://j.mp/gtiXac #
- RT @zenalbatross: Digital “speed painting” by videogame artist Sparth • http://www.superbrothers.ca #
- RT @_lemon: Seasons greetings everyone \o/ here’s a xmassy chiptune cover for u: :) http://ht.ly/3tK4P #
- RT @chetreo: Hey! The Chiptune Blog wrote about my EP! :) http://bit.ly/i63OmJ #
- RT @ComputeHer Chipmusic now available on Playstation® 3’s Home! http://fb.me/R78kvVOa #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-23
- George & Jonathan, Cheap Dinosaurs Headlines MAGFest Chiptunes http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/12/george_jonathan_cheap_dinosaur.php #
- RT @fluxjerk: My code for soft-resetting back to the menu works on EMS 32M carts. Will it work on 64M USB? http://bit.ly/eptsK8 #
- RT @heos2a03: Awesome new FoD song! http://j.mp/gtiXac #
- RT @zenalbatross: Digital "speed painting" by videogame artist Sparth • http://www.superbrothers.ca #
- RT @_lemon: Seasons greetings everyone \o/ here's a xmassy chiptune cover for u: :) http://ht.ly/3tK4P #
- RT @chetreo: Hey! The Chiptune Blog wrote about my EP! :) http://bit.ly/i63OmJ #
- RT @ComputeHer Chipmusic now available on Playstation® 3's Home! http://fb.me/R78kvVOa #
Ghost Links from the Outage
- RT @8bitRolf Designing an OPL3 Game Boy Cartridge, fuck yeah. That said, nobody will ever write the code it would need. Still, fuck yeah. #
- RT: @richvreeland: “Marco Tannenbaumgartner”, new NES-style tune for upcoming game on @chip_music. http://bit.ly/9gxeTT #
- RT: @enso_gfx: This is definitely one of my favorite pixelstyle posts in recent memory: http://bit.ly/biD6ZR #
- 8bit Betty – Mostly Dead Music: http://8bitbetty.bandcamp.com/album/mostly-dead-music #
- Frank Frazetta RIP: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7356 #
- Wired: 8-Bit Imagery Invades Music Videos http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2010/05/gallery-8bit-music-videos/ #
- UDA made it into the onion book: #
- Hey Chip Artists: Despite our name, we think its alright if you stop apologizing for a release not being ‘100% Chip”. #
- TCTD Proudly Accepts the Chipflip award for TCTDness 2010: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/tctd-award-00101101/ #
- Are trackers used in mainstream music (yes they are) http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7357&page=1&x=34&y=11 #
- “gravity in terms of space time” by Starscream fan video: #
- mGB Editor for Ableton Live http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1108/mgb-editor-for-ableton-live/ #
- RT: @8bitpeoples: • New in the store: V/A: Continue. Save. Retry. comp. CD, Wizwars, Receptors, PDF Format, lots more. https://www.8bitpeoples.com/store/product/79 #
- ChipFlip: Why the Demoscene is big in Sweden: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/why-the-demoscene-is-big-in-sweden-bit-for-bit/ #
- Spork? BitPunk? Movies? http://io9.com/5537572/spork-is-the-first-classic-bitpunk-movie #
- Here is the chipmusic-less trailer http://vimeo.com/11168011 #
- Family Twitter http://www.batslyadams.com/2010/05/family-twitter.html #
- RT: @plgDavid: The one page BASIC SID Benchmark! http://ploguechipsounds.blogspot.com/2010/05/one-page-basic-sid-benchmark.html #
- Sid Player for Android: http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/multimedia/sid-player_gowo.html #
- VBLANKS YM synth in Make: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/05/midi_kit_for_a_vintage_synth_chip.html #
- Superbrothers tribute to Frazetta: http://www.swordandsworcery.com/news/2010/5/10/frazetta.html #
- “Whats Ghettoblastin?” (by Prepare To Meet Thy Broom!) http://bit.ly/9AGcgW #
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-07
- Skrasoft Pokey synth model updates: http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=207 #
- Green GameBoy backlight looks really nice: http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2009/12/06/green-gameboy-backlight/ #
- Music MediaMix Market recap includes Saitone Julliehally sightings.. http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2009/12/sound_current_yokohamas_mediam.php #
- The Blip Festival illustration the New Yorker made might be the best nonscene commercial work ive seen all year: http://tinyurl.com/ygatx37 #
- Superbrothers has some sort of new.. game?: http://attractmo.de/blog/superbrothers-sword-sworcery/ #
- NTRQ Edit window: http://dutycyclegenerator.com/index.html#NTRQ-Video-3http://dutycyclegenerator.com/index.html#NTRQ-Video-3 #
- RT: @Nullsleep: New Nullsleep x Videogramo t-shirts available soon – http://bit.ly/5ngQD5 #
- RT: @blipfestival: On the Blip Blog: BlipTalk with Fighter X: http://bit.ly/5Nha5L #blip09 #
- ChipFlip: Cracking the c64 in Argentina: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/c64-in-argentina-crack-the-crack/ #