Pete’s sick with a bad cold. And sorting thru the 200+ uploads to 8bitcollective from last week isn’t gonna make the guy feel any better. I’ll help a brotha out. Here are the 5 tracks that I believe deserve some recognition:
spamtron – “Daniel Liss”
A “tribute” to VGM shred kid who uses the internet alias “Ashane,” this sprawling track hits the listener with some serious progression, melody and sick glitches atop blast beats that would make any head banger throw their metal sign in the air.
Je Deviens Dj En 3 Jours – “Bencong”
I did a google image search while at work and I think “bencong” is Indonesian for “tranny.” Regardless, this track kicks the ass. Also, I’m not usually a fan of tracks made in the nanoloops. Regardless, this track kicks the ass.
Mahamajama – “Alright…”
Here’s a perfect example of why it pays off to listen to EVERY uploaded track when compiling these lists: this wonderful XM track would have surely slipped under my radar, as it has been missed by all of you as well. The song’s gotten only a few views and comments but hopefully that will change soon. Also, get the .xm here.
nobuyuki – “Take Me Home Tonight”
Yes, this song by Eddie Money was a #1 hit years before the majority of 8bc members were even born. Nostalgia and lulz aside, this is a catchy pop tune and nobuyuki does a great job translating it into a chip track.
Trim White Spaces – “The Golden Sherpa”
Put some chemicals in your body, turn off the lights, turn up this track… and poop in your pants. I mean, I did. OK, not really… but you can imagine what it’d be like if you did, right? ;)
The following also are not your standard 8bc uploads and are all well worth checking out:
exnfox – “Crossing Guard”
ast0r – “lover’s rock”
µB – “Maracas Demon”
sixafterseven – “ituneshelper”
Maskodling – “Egenmelding”
And for those of you considering uploading a new track to 8bc, remember these wise words: QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY, SHOULD BE YOUR MAIN OBJECTIVE.