Tag: wedanced

  • The Stupendous Return of 8BC TRACKS OF THE WEEK 09 DX

    logoHey Guys, sorry for the extended delay post blip, but here are some of the neat tracks I found in the last week or so on TEH H8BITCOLLECTION.

    For the week of 1/13-1/22

    failotron – Quater Of A Century – 3 hour hardstyle challenge

    A kind of football hooligan/ Handel’s messiah concoction with soaring buildups and devestating breakdowns.

    wedancedThe last symphony of December 21 2012 and 22 seconds after 48 hour challenge.

    The ending is brilliant. Why do concept tracks seem to bring out the best in 8BC?

    MattWilson – How To Kill a Man From Outer Space

    A little retro, a little modern, manages to capture the Konami sound without being stale.

    benanderson89 – Take The Money

    I have to agree with Randoms comments, old school but tasty.

    solo karier – darah muda

    Catchy cat signing a nice doowop melodies caught my ear pretty quickly. I wonder if its a cover like their other songs seem to be? If not I hope they continue working on this direction.

    BSK – Beijing Moon

    What more needs to be say, other than BSK!! BSK!!! forever…

    486 –8ECK-Gamma Ray

    Beck and I have had our problems in the past, but this catchy remix of a great song is very well executed.