Minivan Highway

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Ok what tracker is that?


10 responses to “Minivan Highway”

  1. Reminds me of this video with Mark Salud (and posts in the comments):

    I agree, Akira – that video is killer.

  2. This is awesome.

  3. OMG, this video is awesome. So the computers are Amigas? The vocoder is pretty ace too.

  4. WTF!
    C64 vocoder!!!!

    This video ROCKS

  5. Nope, doesn’t look like a C64 at all, on second look.
    I want to contact these guys!

  6. Amigas?
    no man, these are PCs

  7. Robert

    This is possibly one of the best videos I’ve seen in a long time!

  8. pcs? really? but they are using sample based stuff, is not the soundblaster chip, is it?

  9. Jack

    I’m still trying to find out what tracker they’re using!

  10. Jack

    OctaMED maybe? God this song is gooooood.
    I need to download a DVDRIP of this episode that’s good quality, so I can see the text properly.