
Goto80 one-ups the rest

In a previous news post, Peter linked to a write-up (yes, another one) that tries to sum up the history of “chiptunes” (god I hate saying that, it’s chipmusic, ok??). It seemed pretty well balanced but I didn’t like it from the start (because of the previously mentioned terminology pet peeve).

Here comes Goto80, which posseses, as I said many time before, what can be considered as the most serious work in progress of “academization” of chipmusic, and analyzes, dissects and corrects the article.

Rip it a new one, Anders!

Animation • Chipmusic • Live Events

Pulswave 3rd Anniversary Demo

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Download the NES ROM here

Anyone coming to the show tonight? Come say hi!

via F*BC

Labels • Music Artists

Eat Rabbit – Kiss The Dolphin

dhr-10_thumb-newKiss the Dolphin is the third album of the Lyon-based Eat Rabbit; atypical one, cut into fourteen tracks that finally merge into one unique sound piece. A mish-mash of beats and rythmic madness, lined up with humor and brilliance by a mad rabbit determined to boost our auditive adrenalin.

The album cover is silkscreened and paw-made in a limited numbered edition by the rabbit himself, in different versions, including a phosphorescent one !

via  Da ! Heard It Records.

C64 • software

Sid Player for the Iphone


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Im impressed.


Open Thread quote of the day/Comment Wars DX 07

It’s* chiptune—a genre based on elite black t-shirted boffinry—going beyond the highs of nostalgia and pointing to something doubly engaging.

Have a great weekend kids.