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[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/cLfYT6yXgEc" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
VIA Jellica
1985 must have been so cool. I wish I could teleport like that guy in the synth segment!
FUCK. Alright that’s it. I’m getting a zxspectrum.
What!?! No Donk?
I’m sold
Wait, the drum thing is playing back drum samples? OMG! And lol at the synth guy. He teleported from the Enterprise? And yeah, a tr-707! I bet this program was sponsored by Roland.
I have and have actually made a song with that c64 software. It was a pure pain in the ass.
7 responses to “Micro Live”
1985 must have been so cool. I wish I could teleport like that guy in the synth segment!
FUCK. Alright that’s it. I’m getting a zxspectrum.
What!?! No Donk?
I’m sold
Wait, the drum thing is playing back drum samples? OMG! And lol at the synth guy. He teleported from the Enterprise? And yeah, a tr-707! I bet this program was sponsored by Roland.
I have and have actually made a song with that c64 software. It was a pure pain in the ass.