Video Moments: Tobiah “I Love your music”

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i’ve heard this before but cant put my finger on it. Maybe its the Pixies’ esqe synth pad.


9 responses to “Video Moments: Tobiah “I Love your music””

  1. “please play some mooooooooooar”

  2. Hexagram

    I’m pretty sure I’ve even seen this before. Some past Blip?


  3. The song was released on in 2002.

  4. ChalicesOfThePast

    Fookin awesome track! Anyone know how that voice effect is achieved?

  5. and it sounds to me like the T to S thing that came with some old version of fruityloops that i used to have

  6. It’s some type of vocal synth coding language, I think I remember him telling me. Can’t remember the name though.

  7. glomag

    this is a great track and has been a favorite of mine since I heard it on the Boy Playground CD. He has other very good tracks too. Talented fellow.

  8. its also on the relax beat Boy Playground CD thing

    thats where i heard it first.

  9. Last time this song was up for discussion was in conjunction with the CC controversy. Although this song was not in sampled by CC, that’s probably where you heard it.