[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/I8MUgwiZULw" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Noah Vawter Writes:
It is played on two instruments, a bass and tenor ‘eel.’ Based on the Medieval instrument called the serpent, sliding gestures from the body power a microcontroller-based synthesizer and allow the performers to inflect some of the traditional expressive affordances on electronic music.
Looks more fun than Muddy Gb.. also check out his ONE BIT GROOVEBOX
3 responses to “Filing under “Odder Chip Style Instruments””
Now that is awesome. Piratetune :D
I tried these at the MIT Media Lab a couple of weeks ago, they’re indeed very nice. There’s all the needed component here for some really interesting acoustic electronic instruments (getting a more powerful resonator, and using some more advanced electronics could be two next steps, for example). Great job, and Noah’s a cool guy too :).