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Chipmusic • Spectrum

RUBBER PLEASURES | 8bc - Online Chiptune Media Sharing

AY_interfaceWhile not actually a release per se, I was hurting for some ay goodnes.

yerzmyey writes:

This song is actually on the edge of Spectrum’s possibilities, I presume, however I again wanted AY to sound more interesting than normally.I added some bubbling filter-like sounds on the beginning, some other noises on 1:37, extremly hard-to-do playing with two sounds on one oscillator in 2:15 and later pretty funny synthetic sound came out by the way, AY still has its secrets, it seems plus some other various basses and synthetic fluctuating brasses.The most difficult is the ‘2 sounds on one oscillator’ trick. I must DEsynchronize sound to achieve 2 instruments playing in one channel. To tune the melody is kinda torture as only one sound is a real instrument. Another one is only distortion of the original sound but I can make it to play a song, hehe. : However AY has been never designed for that so the tuning is drudgery.

via RUBBER PLEASURES | 8bc – Online Chiptune Media Sharing.

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