- Lsdj updated to 4.5.0 #
- SUPER iam8bit exhibition and book debut August 11 | Joystiq http://t.co/cUhRv2e #
- Sir Sampleton's amazing commercial http://t.co/gKrW7Pe #
- probertson: universe party http://t.co/nTkGEpe #
- Generation Bass » Chip Bass Monthly August http://t.co/ENtQNLC #
- The Video Game That Got Jazz so, so Right http://t.co/wkZGkqw #
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has a chip soundtrack? http://t.co/AbodHjF #
- A condensed history of the NES chiptune scene from 2000 to 2005 http://t.co/yydg6ED #
- This weekend CHIP-CON PRESENTS: REBOOT2 – Sat the 6th http://t.co/YKW20y2 #
- Gameboy CPU Vs. Super Gameboy CPU? – YouTube http://t.co/6IbSayf #
- RT @4mat_scenemusic: nice work! @psenough 's "Remix culture in the demoscene" slides from asm talk: http://t.co/EAEa0us #
One response to “TCTD Links for 2011-08-04”
True Chip Till Death (@TCTD) (@TCTD) commented on TRUE CHIP TILL DEATH:
On TCTD: TCTD Links for 2011-08-04 #