Help! Need to find contact info for TCTD Winners!

If you have contact info ( or ARE) for any of the following People or Groups please let me know ASAP via our contact form!

J Arthur Keens Band

Thanks in advance!!


5 responses to “Help! Need to find contact info for TCTD Winners!”

  1. Hi Peter, I have an email for J Arthur Keens Band but the email address that I have for you comes back undeliverable!

    1. forward that bounce to info at truechiptilldeath DOT com,

      Emails I have have now been redacted.

  2. This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

    Delivery to the following recipients failed.

  3. dunno if its just my lame hotmail being rubbish?

  4. send me the full headers and ill figure that out..