TCTD Links for 2011-12-13

  • RT @Ralp_org: I've found an IDM remix that I did of BenSamples song. Unedited track from 2009! Enjoy it! #
  • Game Art: Giovanni Fredi\'s \"Blip Festival 2011: Live from Tokyo\" (2011) – gamescenes #
  • Rhizome | RECOMMENDED READING: Maximal Nation by Simon Reynolds #
  • Here is a choice quote that might appeal to chipmusicians #
  • "maximizing connectivity can max out your nervous system, leaving you in a brittle state of hectic numbness… #
  • .. overwhelmed by options, increasingly incapable of focused concentration or fully-immersed enjoyment." #
  • Dead Girls | Dauragon C. Mikado #
  • "horse sorse" an educational (!) selection of impulse tracker files #
  • RT @freemusicarchiv: Fuldataxman Ralp's raw, awe-inspiring LSDJ techno featured by True Chip Till Death #
  • RT @8bitweapon: Our new album "Bits with Byte" is done being mixed! It went to mastering yesterday and it will be released Jan 2012. #