Author: B00daW

  • Mixed Atari 2600 MIDI Sample Playback

    little-scale’s done it again by being crafty as hell to upgrade the capability of his MIDI interfaces; this time for the Atari 2600.  We showed you before that the Atari 2600 was capable of 8-bit PCM earlier via TROGdor.  He’s taken this technology and melded it into his MIDI interface.

    I wonder if he’s also added the capability to speed up or slow down the playrate of the samples yet. ;D

  • MML Language Helper for Notepad++

    Fib Gibbley has recently posted on the NESdev BBS an XML script for Notepad++ that highlights pertinent PPMCK (a 2a0x MML parser) commands and context.

    Pretty text for MML, wootz! :D

  • DOSBox 0.73

    ms-dos-logoThe new DOSBox includes new Yamaha OPL cores which will hopefully add accuracy and diversity to games and trackers utilizing FM chips.  *nudge nudge*  …Adlib Tracker.

  • Support for more graphics modes and cards.
  • Improved Vista support.
  • New OPL emulation cores.
  • Sound fixes and improvements for Mac OS X.
  • Lots of compatibility fixes.
  • Lots of cdrom detection improvements.
  • Lots of memory (EMS/XMS) improvements.
  • Various fixes and enhancements for the recompiling core.
  • Support for evdev.
  • Lots of DOS fixes.
  • Slightly faster!
  • More stable.
  • Neil Baldwin #NESdev Q&A Session

    Neil Baldwin, chip music composer and director at Eurocom, dropped in for a Q&A session in #NESdev@EFnet last night for a few hours; hosted by yours truly Sean W. (a.k.a. B00daW.)  A lot of people, including Neil and I, were getting a bit “loose” to unwind during the event.  So to protect the innocent, the transcriptions below are selectively abridged.

    The evening started out with everyone discussing the differences between today’s assemblers and those of yesterday.  Assemblers are the programs that translate the assembly code to hexadecimal; the output being called “binary form” or “a binary.”  Paraphrasing what Neil had said regarding this:

    “We actually wrote our own assembler eventually.  We used it on NES and then later we added SNES support.  [The company at that point consisting of 5 people in the early 1990’s.]  We had no interactive debuggers, etc.; but it was a rudimentary IDE in as much as it was an editor with a built in assembler/disassembler.  I actually got [the old environment] compiling; but had to use DOSBox as it wouldn’t work in anything else.”

    I had asked the question if the environment would ever be available to the public to which he responded that it would have to be brought up with the other directors at Eurocom.  Perhaps we’ll get to see some of the old techniques used.  Time will tell.


  • VegaVox II Preview

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Alex Mauer and No-Carrier do it again with this commercial music-cart production!  Alex’s music and art are professional and stunning paired with No-Carrier’s visuals coding experience.

    Alex will be playing and the carts will be on sale this Saturday @ 8static in Philadelphia.

    Quoting enso on 8bc forums:

    His third NES cart album will be on sale for a special $25 price at the show. Afterward it will be available online for $30.

    Editor’s note: TCTD will be posting a full review of this soon!