Author: Peter Swimm
Exciting Acquisition News!
Hello chiptune fans! I am really excited to announced that as of this post, we have become part of the Pitchfork Media family! We are very excited about getting the chance to bring news of our community to a wider audience. I am about to jump on a flight to work more on intergrating our news archive into their database, but we will begin syndicating their content immediately and update throughout the coming weeks. Please let us know what longer featured articles we should work on in the comments, and wish us luck in this exciting new endeavor!
Peter Swimm
Associate Chiptune Editor
Pitchfork Media
TCTD Links for 2011-03-30
- CHIPFLIP on Synapse Software & Other Acid-ish Games #
- hex0037_threat_by_thrash_bandicoot.mp3 #
- Back To Square Wave One | Pselodux #
- CHiP-POP available to order on Friday 15th April » Printed Circuit #
- Generation Bass » Chip Bass Monthly March #
TCTD Links for 2011-03-29
- MythomizeR: TiznajoS Graphics Editor: 2D graphics editor for Dingoo native O.S. #
- MythomizeR: TiznajoS Graphics Editor: 2D graphics editor for Dingoo native O.S. #
- Magic Beans (Master System) – ne7 #
- Palm Sounds: Trackers may come to C64 iOS app #
- Free Handheld VJ: pikilipita’s SUPER PIKIX comes to Caanoo Mobile Game Console #