- TiznajoS Graphics Editor: 2D graphics editor for Dingoo Dingux http://ht.ly/41WVG #
- RT @2pproductions: The Minecraft doc is now live on our Vimeo (http://bit.ly/dIZQTR) and YouTube Pt.1 (http://bit.ly/hiByLN) #mcdoc #
- RT @tymkrs: New Video! Commodore 64 Sid Chip Synth Part 5 http://youtu.be/g2o1r0ZPZyo?hd=1 #c64 #chiptune #8bit #propeller #parallax #diy… #
- RT @2pproductions: Podcast w. the great @ajumpsbshoots – – topics: #mcdoc our past, and games we like. #
- Digital Sound Chips – the home of the blue box synth from the underground scientists http://ht.ly/429eI #
- RT @goto80: C64 music-game from 1983, teaching stuff to make stuff. http://bit.ly/fFcFki #acid #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Links for 2011-02-23
Dubmood – Badlands EP #1 Teaser
TCTD Links for 2011-02-22
- The first of three brand new prints from Attract Mode making its grand debut at Giant Robot’s Game Over 4! http://ht.ly/41hGm #
- RT @kush3: I decided to edit an unoffensive version of Pixelated Radio Episode 1… enjoy: http://bit.ly/ha8kej #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this week: Copenhagen, The Hague, Kyoto, Milan, New York, San Fran, Sydney, Tokyo, http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- RT @nullsleep: _patt_rNs/04 • http://nullsleep.com/_/_patt_rNs/04/ in reply to Nullsleep #
- RT @MichaelLerman: Datapop 5.0! March 15th at @highballaustin. Full lineup announced!! http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/57376/#p57376 #
- MATRIXSYNTH: POKEY.synth demo jam 3 http://ht.ly/41oAi #
- Chris Hülsbeck scores Star Trek: Infinite Space http://ht.ly/41p38 #
- MDX player for android http://ht.ly/41q1D #
- XPMCK – updated w bugfixes http://ht.ly/41q5b #
- RT @fortninety: What happens when you combine keyboards, drums, VCRs, Gameboys, and John Woo? This: http://t.co/JrpPu4M (via @remoteryan) #
At Last. Robotess – Prom Wolf
New Electro House Bouncy Chiptune release by new and upcoming american 8bit-composer Prom Wolf . Remix by MisfitChris included.
1. Robotess
2. Hyobot
3. Turbine