Author: Peter Swimm

  • Pulsar appeared!

    Perhaps the most radical feature of Pulsar is that the synthesis engine runs independently from the sequencer and runs at 180hz – that’s 3 times faster than a “normal” NES audio engine. The advantage of this is that all modulation-based effects have 3 times the resolution so you can get ultra-fast and super-smooth sounds. At the same time it has allowed me to exploit a few quirks of the NES’s audio to provide some unique ways to craft your NES music and sounds.

    It was this approach which, to a large extent, dictated the design of the sequencing/UI of Pulsar and why it shares so much in common with LSDJ: LSDJ really makes great use of a simple, fast interface and because I’m updating the audio engine 3 times per frame, speed and simplicity were paramount.

    Pulsar borrows heavily from the design, layout and commands of LSDJ. If you’ve used LSDJ you’ll probably be pretty familiar with Pulsar’s UI. There are a few little differences though so watch out for those.

    I openly tip my hat to Johan Kotlinksi for his work on LSDJ. It’s safe to say that Pulsar probably wouldn’t exist without it. Or at the very least it would’ve taken me a lot longer to create.

    What a Christmas treat!


  • Happy Holidays from True Chip Till Death!

    Hello all! By now you have probably noticed the lack of posts, which is due to my annual holiday vacation. This year is a little extra special, as I am getting married on New Year’s Eve in California. I am very excited (and busy), so apologies in advance for any boredom caused by a lack of updates.

    What does this mean for TCTD? Well firstly, there will be minimal posting on news from me, you can help by submitting a news story via the top menu, I will keep an eye out for new post requests. I will try to keep doing at least the Twitter links, so send a message @tctd if there is something you’d like linked.

    Also as the Blip Festival is moving to spring, so are the 2010 TCTD awards! This means we will be moving the nomination period to late February, feel free to suggest new categories in the comments. We will be having the award show as part of the Blip weekend, so try to plan a extra day if you’d like to attend.

    Heading into our third calendar year of TCTD, I have been thinking hard on what the future of the site will be. It has been a mostly fun and rewarding hobby for me, and allows me to stay in touch with the community during the times when I am unable to participate as an artist. In 2011, one of my personal goals is to focus more of my time on my own music, and hopefully TCTD does not suffer too greatly as a result of this shift of priorities. If it does, I hope the community can help us with more user submitted content.

    Dealing with a diverse online community of artists so loosely connected stylistically, and often only by platform can be difficult and frustrating if one feels if things are not going the way you’d hope it would. Most of us are familiar with the cliches and cringe-inducing elements that threaten the longterm viability of our community, but to me the only thing more annoying than ubiquity of some of the more persistent of these issues is the feedback by those who feel a need to constantly point out that lame things are in fact lame.

    I will admit, I do not always personally like some of the items covered on TCTD, but I share them because it is considered important by others, or represents a item that would be of significant interest to fans and casual observers alike. The best way to supplant the lame is by excessive production of things that are only awesome. Instead of posting a negative comment on some random board about how sick you may be of a particular chip or genre or group of people, consider what you yourself have done to help improve the community lately. Lead by example, not by browbeating others into your point of view.

    I will cop to not always being perfect, and some times have spoken out in haste to what I have perceived as unjustified rudeness, and if I’d I have offended anyone reading this, I am sorry. I want to use this space to thank all the readers and people who make this site worth a damn with their music, software, hardware and scene organizing. You are essential to keep up the excitement and enthusiasm that makes the site possible. I especially want to thank the people who help TCTD behind the scenes, especially Akira, Lazerbeat, B.Leo, and Keff, and look forward to another excellent year of chip in 2011.

    Feel free to post any comments or suggestions for us in the comments, and see you guys again soon!

  • TCTD Links for 2010-12-17