- ptoing bloing: 4 colours are enough http://ht.ly/35I6j #
- ptoing bloing: More pixels still http://ht.ly/35I6H #
- Controller Mod for Pulsar http://ht.ly/35IaK #
- The Chiptune Community Show (Writers wanted) http://ht.ly/35K5S #
- SunVox v1.6 development screenshots http://ht.ly/35K6i #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Links for 2010-11-07
In July and August of 2010, 4 gameboy musicians got in a van and played shows across the country and back again. It was an amazing success and a radical radical time. Sights were seen, things got done, much the party was made.
This video contains footage from that excursion. Does that make sense? Of course it does. The song you hear is the result of all 4 of us passing around an LSDJ session during the tour.
” CHOW.mp3 ” can be downloaded from the following hyperlink: http://brk.to/n5x
RAINBOWDRAGONEYES ::: http://www.Rainbowdragoneyes.com
OVENRAKE ::: http://www.superbutton.net/chumba.php
FACUNDO ::: http://www.myspace.com/facundoloop
WET MANGO ::: http://www.gameboybeats.comCategory:
TCTD Links for 2010-11-05
- RT @plgdavid: First follower contribution to my research blog. Frank Wolf’s take on the SID ADSR: http://bit.ly/bksWs0 #
- RT @computeher: Check out Levar Burton introducing us our 8BW performance at the Indiecade Awards @ 14min 30seconds: #
- RT @bleepstreet: Je deviens dj en 3 jours “da chip” on Tiltmag! #
- Peter Berkman is the Monday morning quarterback of the chiptune scene http://ht.ly/35agI #
- Pixel Pushers, Famicom-Inspired Car Previewed http://ht.ly/35b6a #
- Customization-Friendly Renoise 2.6 Arrives; Duplex Controllerism Explained http://ht.ly/35ban #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this weekend : Amsterdam, Bauru, Bratislava, Dordrecht, Gainesville, Kassel, Landau… http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows in reply to 8bitpeoples #
- RT @bleepstreet: Je deviens dj en 3 jours “Trashing Fakers” – Second bonus round @ Hype Machine !!! #
Stagediver – 12″ ???
2″ Slab of brutal Amigacore. Flawed masterpiece. Not available in the Radiograffiti store.Limited to 150 total, we have 50 of the one pictured here. 100 come in a plain white sleeve available elsewhere.Radiograffiti mailinglist members have first crack at this and it should be gone by this time next week.This is highly illegal. That is all. Stay hardcore.
via Stagediver – 12″ ???????????? Page 1 – Releases – ChipMusic.org.
TCTD Links for 2010-11-04
- RT @minikomi: Hmm. Would love to do a @TOKiMONSTA release on metrodub… http://web.archive.org/web/20121109121632/http://home.no:80/metrodub/ #justsayin #heavy #cosy #
- RT @anamanaguchi: Amazon’s doing a special deal 4 the scott p soundtrack.. only $3.99!! https://www.amazon.com/Scott-Pilgrim-Vs-World-Soundtrack/dp/B003ZNRZZ2/?tag=httpwwwabkcoc-20 #
- RT @tinycartridge: Attract Mode x Babycastles show tonight! http://bit.ly/bsGOOj #