Author: Peter Swimm

  • TCTD Links for 2010-11-01

  • Jay Tholen – Control Me

    At it’s heart, Control Me is an honest expression of my love for the Gospel. Most of the compositions were conceived as humble little hymn-like ukulele tunes. Following my tradition of unnecessary embellishment; I layered the songs beyond recognition until they became what they are now: schizophrenic heaps of sound. Everything from Shoegaze to Prog Rock to Schmaltzy 50’s Pop is emulated beneath layers of manipulated waveforms and vinyl samples.


    Time Transcendent (3:44)
    Altars (2:10)
    Hashivenu (3:11)
    I Know (2:31)
    Prayer (5:15)
    A Temple of the Holy Ghost (1:28)
    Control Me (3:24)
    Be Alright (1:43)
    Bleeding Over (2:41)
    Show the World (1:46)
    Eagle Feather, Falcon Claw (10:45)
    Curtains (3:56)
    Jay Tholen — Vocals, Samples, Acoustic and Electric Ukulele, Transistor Organ, Out of Tune Piano, Stylophone, Tasteful Humor, Flute, Pan Flute, Slide Whistle, Percussion, Electric Kazoo, Squeezebox, Field Recording, Kiddie Glock, Tracking and Sequencing, Mixing and Mastering
    Christine Tholen — Vocals
    Cory Taylor — Saxophone

    “The Name of Jesus is Lifted High” from the song Altars was originally written by Eddie James

    via Jay Tholen — Control Me | Ubiktune.

  • RJDMC updated to v0.4

    -Pitch is implemented
    -Deleting selection is implemented
    -Fixed several bugs related to the highlighting of the window
    -Fixed bugs involving space bar triggering controls
    -Fixed bugs with lower HZ samples crashing SSRC (small files)
    -Implemented Cut, Copy, Paste, Trim, Select All, Delete

    -Zoom function doesn’t work with editing the wave file yet (it acts as if you’re zoomed all the way out).
    -You can either right click on the wave display or use shortcuts to use the editor functionality.
    -CTRL+V = paste, CTRL+C = copy, CTRL+X = cut, CTRL+T = trim, CTRL+Z = revert, CTRL+A = select all
    -“quality” Pitch change right now is a bit mediocre quality-wise.  I might just have lots of copies of each .wav file in memory for small files.
    -To use copy, cut, delete, or trim you must have something selected (by dragging the mouse and making a rectangle).  To paste something, you need to click once (without dragging) and a single white line will show up- this is where the info will be pasted.

    via New DMC Converter Page 2 – Nintendo Consoles –

  • TCTD Links for 2010-10-29

    • Chiptune Artist Pixelh8 Releases Free Music App for the iPhone #
    • N.O.R.M: Its chip, it’s rap, 4mat will hate it #
    • RT @8bitpeoples: • Chip events this wkend [1/2]: Berlin, Corpus Christi, Eindhoven, Leeds, New York, Philadelphia… #
    • POWERLIFTER:PANTHERHAMMER: Vpid Chicks and Choons, Again #