- RT @Nullsleep The Voice has a great interview with @anamanaguchi and their work on the Scott Pilgrim game soundtrack • http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/archives/2010/07/scott_pilgrim_videogame_music.php?page=1 #
- RT @pulsewave: Winners of the @TinyCartridge contest will be announced later today, keep playing on twitter until 5pmEST #dmg21 #
- RT @jefftheworld: Music video for a chiptune song I wrote with my mother! http://bit.ly/apRpT7 #
- HSS2e Modifications MIDI sync HSS2e + Nanoloop http://ow.ly/2ihNH #
- The Up Rough Summer Collection 2010 is here! T… http://bit.ly/cki9PY #
- RT @blipfestival Blip Festival Tokyo website updated with schedule & additional info • Tickets now available • http://tokyo.blipfestival.org #
- RT @Nullsleep: More conspiracy fodder, just now via the 8bp shop • Order Number: 666 • 1 x 8bitpeoples T-Shirt • 1 x Nullsleep T-Shirt #
- 8GB Limited Edition Visualist Series T-Shirt on sale #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Links for 2010-07-30
Arman Bohn – Brain Games
The video to “Brain Games,” the third track from Arman Bohn‘s Atari 2600-inspired “Bits
” album, was created using drawings made on a Nintendo DSi. These elements were combined with traditionally-shot footage in After Effects, resulting in a monochrome 1080-line-high heap of pixels.
TCTD Links for 2010-07-29
- Note! – **12345** – Mozilla Firefox #
- Planet Hively ported to DINGUX http://ow.ly/2hFas #
- Wonderswan Music how-to guide http://ow.ly/2hMPU #
- NYC play ‘The Dudleys’ features chiptune music and 8-bit art on @Joystiq http://ow.ly/2hQmG #
- Chiptune musicians should watch their $^$%#!&* language #
- HEX0030_HAPPY_FIZZ_BY_NATTY http://ow.ly/2hX6Y #
- Blaarg Lightwall v.9 for NES and SNES updated http://ow.ly/2hXo1 #
- RT @anamanaguchi: !!!!!! Hear 4 songs from the #ScottPilgrim PSN game’s chiptune soundtrack http://bit.ly/aFNLfj #
- Droid-On – Primitiv Te http://ow.ly/2hXek #
- kitsch-bent — high-speed usb link unit for sega in stock http://ow.ly/2hXlm #
FamiTracker 3.5 released
Version 0.3.5 is now out with support for FDS and VRC7 expansion sound
– Delete key deleted two rows on the bottom row, fixed
– Entering an instrument column number moves to that instrument
– Fixed a bug that caused files with 64 instruments to not load
– Fixed export bug where instruments with empty sequences caused the file to not work
– New effect Sxx, cut note after xx frames
– New effect Xxx, DPCM retrigger, xx = delay in frames
– Added a feature to remove unused instruments and patterns
– Load/save instrument & DPCM paths bug on Windows Vista & 7 fixed
– Beeps on Alt+[key] removed
– Redraws screen on row highlight change
– Fixed pattern display when frame preview is disabled
– Fixed the inconcistency when using note delay and speed change on the same row
– DPCM file preview added
– CTRL+click in frame editor to queue next frame when playing
– Added VRC7 & FDS sound
– Added the note release command.
(Release-part of sequences is defined by a ‘/’ in the sequence string.)
– Shortcut editor supports combinations of ctrl+alt+shift
– Added a new vibrato mode that bends both up and down
– Fixed a bug that caused corruption when using undo after pattern size change
– Custom exporter plugin support is addedFamiTracker.
Receptors – Sleeper
Just in case his recent 8bp release USER Deluxe didn’t completely destroy what you thought was possible with Korg’s DS-10, Receptors is doing stuff to your ideas again in Sleeper. With artwork by Videogramo, Sleeper comes in an 8 track MP3 release, as well as a 10 track CD version with alternate cover art.
1. Surveilence
2. I’m Mellow
3. Starclutter
4. Morse Code Poets
5. Neuropa
6. Flyskyred
7. Bazilfield (CD Only Track)
8. Crashanova (CD Only Track)
9. Gauntlet
10. Morse Code Poets (Euroblip Fix Mix)