- RT @8bitpeoples • New in the 8bitpeoples store: t-shirt by @8GB_ from our new limited edition visualist series http://bit.ly/8bpshop #
- Also Heading to @thenextHOPE today to do a talk with @noarrier and @AnimalStyle , then rock out tonight and tomorrow with chip concerts!! #
- Nullsleep : Collapsed Desires Tour – Chicago 2010 05 19 Video http://ow.ly/2cyxS #
- stagediver – Permanent Life Destroyer #
- WinJAM – SNDH player on OSX tips http://ow.ly/2cBW0 #
- Gijs’ HSS2e http://ow.ly/2cChd #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Links for 2010-07-17
LSDSNG Swap Appeared
Dating all the way back to the beginning of the chip music scene, artists shared their source files because that was the only way they could get their music out there. This in turn created openness and allowed other artists to learn from the methods of other talented musicians. The net result was better music.
Today, in the days of .MP3 and affordable bandwidth for all, source files have become an afterthought and very few people share them, if at all.
LSDSNG Swap is a common location where 8bit chip musicians can get together and swap source files. By registering and sharing a song of your own, you in turn will gain access to all other source files uploaded to this site.
via Songs | LSDSNG Swap.
Fox News presents Chipmusic
Chipflip has a great oped on the whole chiptune FOX dealie. Check it out:
Last Saturday, chipmusic was presented in these two ways by Fox News – perhaps the worst news channel in the world? Br1ght Pr1mate performed live and talked about chiptune. Although the music is not my cup of tea, I think the clips are definitely worth watching because the hosts are perfect OMG-WTF-LOL-journalists, with a target audience that think like this. The hosts seem to think that chipmusic is 10 people making music in Pacman, which was fun to laugh at for a decade but is pretty tiresome now, really. Somehow it makes me think of when John Cage appeared on TV in 1960, playing along with the role of being a clown instead of a pretentious composer (like this, hehe?). Br1ght Pr1mate are aware that they take a similar role in the Fox News show.
TCTD Links for 2010-07-16
- TV Death Squad stages a comeback: http://ow.ly/2bNln #
- And overdue new material Cannonball – J. Arthur Keenes http://ow.ly/2bNmz #
- [Review] Coova and little-scale – 2 Warriors http://ow.ly/2bVmH #
- GOTO8O » Crackbits Retrospectz http://ow.ly/2c0uu #
- “The Adventure Begins” from the first stage of Arvoesine http://ow.ly/2c1oz #
- Scene Banner ads on on 8bc.org PARTY! http://ow.ly/2c4lW #
- Magic Hammer Profile on the FMA: #
Anamanaguchi Singles appeared
The first one is:
Side A: Airbrushed.mp3
Side B: Penpal.mp3 (Tugboat Cover)
Art by Paul Robertson. Expect new singles every two weeks!