Author: Peter Swimm

  • BRK compilation vol. 3 : The Francophonic Show –

    BRK, strikes again with a third compilation. One year in the making and 28 tracks around the theme of Francophonie compiled. As for the first two volumes, BRK has been able to bring together artists from very different horizons and from around the globe USA, Hungary, Latvia, Australia, Russia, Japan, Belgium, England… with no disregard for France. More than ever before, the selection is extremely eclectic representing all the most radical and decadent trends on the electronic scene. Weird and delirious Australian breakcore, Shitcore, Electro grind and punk, 8-bit, dancecore, mash-up, electro… the list is not exhaustive. A true example of open-midedness and a great sense of humor… 28 francophonic bombs…

    01- DEBU-NAXX : Ballet
    02- DJ RAINBOW EJACULATION : Indescrimimate Toilet Sex at a BRK Show in Lyon
    03- SAM PLEATER : French Cancore
    04- MARK SIDA : Gentleman
    05- MALADROIT : Avec l’école du Daft Duteil
    06- LLAMATRON : Boby Dick
    07- FOXDYE : What is Toot-Toot in French ?
    08- FUKNO : Which Way to the Technival ?
    09- EBOLA : Symphonie Plunderphonique
    10- RANDOMATIK BLAST : Carnival in Coal Will Reform to Win Eurovision
    11- PASSENGER OF SHIT : Y’a pas d’Heure pour se Branler dans le Caca d’Erik Satie
    12- JANKENPOPP : Des Gens qui Baisent Tranquille
    13- ALTO CLARK : Sleazy Dochine
    14- UOKI-TOKI : French Kiss
    15- THIRTYTWOBIT : Discothèque
    16- REALICIDE : Neutralizing Opiate
    17- LADYSCRAPER : Blingin the Grind on the Eurostar
    18- SHITTINGWHORE guest vocals : FAKE SLUT : Stupide Petite Salope
    19- SICKBOY : Bécassine (Tweencoremix)
    20- USA KINGS : USA KINGS, c’est Tout !
    21- TOECUTTER : NRJ Deficiency
    22- REKTAL DISTORTION : Faceprout
    23- KODEK : Girlfriends Dad Drugged mee upp and Raped me with his Mature Friends C===8
    25- XIAN : Harcorpus Satani
    26- B.I.N.T : Poussent
    27- PROJECT SERENDIPITY : The Velvet Gentleman
    28- EAT RABBIT : Je Suis une Vilaine mais j’Assume

    via BRK compilation vol. 3

  • TCTD Links for 2010-07-10

  • Midi Interface for the Zx Spectrum

    The program is still strong in beta, but now allows sending data from a MIDI keyboard connected to the sifu and the ZX Spectrum to play three tones at the same time using a standard audio circuit AY . Nov? program umož?uje používat dynamiku kláves, pokud jsou jí p?íslušné klávesy vybaveny. Newly program allows you to use dynamic keys, where are the keys to her suite. P?ipojení je uskute?n?no klasickým MIDI kabelem s pomocným modulem zprost?edkovávajícím komunikaci pomocí opto?lenu. Connection is made with classical MIDI cable to the auxiliary module engaging communication through the optocoupler. Protože AY má pouze t?i kanály, lze zahrát najednou jen t?i tóny, což ?lov?ka, hrajícího na klavír b?žn? ob?ma rukama omezuje. Since AY has only three channels, you can only play three notes at once, a man playing the piano with both hands normally limited.

    Google P?eklada?.

  • TCTD Links for 2010-07-09

    • MM8BDM Demo – all kinds of sweet and dizziness producing stuff #
    • RT @ikipr: From “Retrofit Hardware” – my latest chiptune album: #
    • Happy Belated 10th Birthday LSDJ #
    • Boing Boing’s chiptune remix game compo is surprisingly devoid of chiptunes. #
    • Or at least credits for the source chip composers. And of course none of them have a chance to win the prizes. I guess chiptunes are a a naturally occurring resource of the internet… #
    • RT @henryhomesweet: The Essential Chip Mix 2010 Free download! #
    • RT @ComputeHer: Hi everyone! Only 9 days left to get 2 new albums for $10 and support our tour! Thank you to all who have already…… #
    • RT @circuitbent: Bent Festival 2009 DVD now available, … #
    • Candie Hank – Booty Bank (Toytone Remix) #
    • MisfitChris – FakeBIT Live Set (Brooklyn, NYC) #
    • Its soundcloud day. #
    • Purple Motion M4G-Tracker Lives #
    • RT @emonemomen: you must try #