- RT @kitschbent a lower price for us means a lower price for you! USB 64M Smart Cards now cheaper! https://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/usb-64m-smart-card #
- RT @depreci8onguild SPIRIT YOUTH • THE NEW ALBUM • MAY 18 2010 http://bit.ly/cyuure #
- Just shipped the first batch of TCTD Shirts. Time to get yours! http://truechiptilldeath.com/tctd-shirts/ #
- OTO Machines BISCUIT: 8-bit + Analog Filter Effect: http://bit.ly/b5Bv8W #
- Micromys V3 works nice with mssiah, in case you wondered: http://bit.ly/asFNDp #
- Hexawe: New Track from I, Cactus – China Shipping Co: http://bit.ly/aZTqNy #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Quicklinks for 2010-02-24
Dubmood – Transregional des Pyrenées
Finally its out. Data Airlines 009. Transregional des pyrenees. Gameboy electro house composed with LSDj by Dubmood in 2007 re-edited and re-released in 2009 and just like the case with British Rail, Sveriges Järnvägar or the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français, heavily delayed until 2010 by reasons force majeur. We are sorry for that but at least its out. Including remixes by Facteur, Fred Berthet and Goto80! At the moment you can get it at Amazon, Itunes and Last.fm but it will soon be online at spotify, deezer and beatport just follow the links. Again, we are very sorry for the long delay and stayed tune for the upcoming misfitchris release!
via Data Airlines.
James Kochalka Superstar – Bacharach Galactica
From the album Digital Elf by James Kochalka Superstar:
http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/digital-elf/id329855949The music was created using Nanoloop on the GameBoy Advance.
TCTD Quicklinks for 2010-02-23
- Scienceguy8's arduinoboy pcb posted: #
- Blockparty 2010 invite: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54413 #
- A_Rival – Show me Girl Radio Edit now available for download: http://rivalrivalrival.bandcamp.com/track/show-me-girl-radio-edit #
This week on the FMA: Binärpilot
Yes this is my worst blog title ever.