Author: Peter Swimm

  • Murderous Moppet – Silreq

    moppetfrntcover-mSick c64 sid release by SILENT REQUIEM. Claustrophobic and snaky basslines, and smooth filter usage mixes pleasure and pain for another enjoyable release from the label which shall not be named.

    “They” write:

    With the mysterious death of a Datasette tape drive, along with it’s tape, all had been lost. This left a growing very bitter taste with Maestro. In desperate attempt to find those responsible for such horrendous acts, he sets out, undercover in disguise (now known as the “Murderous Moppet”, as dubbed by the local the papers), in search of clues and answers; all while wreaking havoc to those who had opposed and done him wrong. With only a knife and a C64 in hand, all is archived as to relive revenge over and over again…. only this way, could he truly be at peace, after the loss of his precious data-tape.

    Nab Eeet Here

  • 2PP Blip 07 Videos

    Huoratron // Blip Festival 2007: The Videos from 2 Player Productions on Vimeo.

    2playerproductions has started psoting videos from their Blip Festival 2007 videos.

    You can see more on their channel

    vimeo channel

    Or Order their dvd’s

    Filmbaby page for 06 and 07 dvds

  • Hardnes Source released

    hardnes_displayHardnes, a project that uses a real 2a03 in an iPod style nsf player, has had its sources released. A intersting project for the brave or the bold. Kevtris writes:

    Well, I was going thru my files and thought I’d release this for anyone who was curious how it worked.

    It’s fairly outdated and I’m sorry in advance for the poor quality of the comments (lack thereof) and I bet my 6502 skills sucked too.

    Anyways as can be seen from its page, it’s just an Intel flexlogic part, RP2A03G CPU, a 74244 input buffer for the buttons, a 128K SRAM (could be upgraded to 512K easily), and some audio amplification and a 3.3V reg with 7406 for logic level translation to the PS1 memory card.

    The memory map and PDS file should be enough to go on for anyone wishing to build something similar.

    At the time, uploading data to the card was an incredibly hilariously terrible job. I used a hack to load 3K or so of the 128K file at a time using the EPROM emulator I had. So loading a 128K card image took awhile to do.

    Anyways, enjoy.

  • Da Pantz – Its Dangerous to Go Alone

    3257432159-1Some may decry it, but the basic democracy of chipmusic means that despite the shit floods, there is plenty of room for unique voices to come out. DaPantz still shows some rough around the edgedness on a few of these tracks, but there are a few surprises and interesting musical choices that differ wildly from artists trying to sound like Sabrepulse or Bit Shifter, and instead tackle their own unique approach to chip music.  Well worth a listen!

  • GamesTM Piece on Chip Music

    Syphus writes

    So an interview I did a while ago for a journalist got heavily used in his rather good GamesTM piece this month. Normally when I give an unsuspecting journo about 50 times more than they ever wanted to hear about my own tedious interests, I end up seeing a three word platitude lazily dribbled onto the page…but this guy did a great job and used nearly everything I had to say across the entire article :D Also featuring everyone’s favourite Bit Shifter (Josh)

    Download a scan of the article here! Nice TCTD Plug!
