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Author: Peter Swimm
Powerplay Jamming with Hip Tanaka
Chiptune Marching Band At Bent Fest
Chiptune Marching Band from jamie allen on Vimeo.Another group to check out at the Bent Festival is The Chiptune Marching Band.
The name is a bit of a misnomer, but its fun chip-type noise, as Syphus explains:
Yes, I hear you cry, there are no actual ‘chiptunes’ involved, per se. The phrase is attention-grabbing, though, and reflects the fact that people are making crazy chip-style noises with squarewave generators, and it’s all terribly good fun.
You can read more at the make article.
Bent Festival! This Weekend!
This weekend brings another stuptacular Bent Festival, brought to you by the same organization behind Blip Festival and Pulsewave:
The Bent Festival is an annual art and music festival celebrating DIY electronics, hardware hacking, and circuit bending. Each year we invite artists from across the country and around the globe to perform music with their home-made or circuit bent instruments, teach workshops to adults and children alike, create beautiful art installations and to generally come together, face to face, and showcase the state of the art in DIY electronics and circuit bending culture.
Featured Chip related performers include:
And much more. Audio, vid and pics as they happen.
FPGA Arcade Board
MikeJ says, “The board will support all the games on the FPGA Arcade site, as well as my Atari ST core and a customized and supported MiniMig Amiga core. Other platforms such as BBC B, Commodore 64 and Spectrum will also follow shortly.
The board has an ARM processor which interfaces the FPGA to the SD card. Hard disk images, ROMs and floppy disk images can be used from the SD card. There are two expansion boards, one with TV out and some rear mounted connectors for the joysticks (fits in a mini-itx case), and a second board with a prototyping array. There are around 130 pins available on the expansion connector.
The board has DVI and Analogue out. The DVI connector can be used to drive a HDMI input of a flat screen TV, so you can play PacMan on the big screen. I am planning to do Asteroids in true 1080P :) The analogue audio output uses a very high quality Wolfson DAC.”