Author: Peter Swimm

  • Metroid Multitracked Mix and more

    Ran across this thread on

    Im posting this here because im not sure if it should go in music creation or not.I don’t create nes tunes persay, what I do enjoy doing is taking the indvidiual channels and giving them a multitrack polish. Currently, I have to obtain the indvidual tracks this way:
    Pan one channel hard left, the other hard right, disable the others, output to wav using winamp and notsofatso, import in to adobe audition, bounce each channel to new track, repeat for remaining channels.

    What I’d like is a program (I’d imagine command-line, either win/dos or *nix) that will allow me to specify an nsf, a track in the nsf, and spit out each sound channel to a wave. I’m an audio guy, not a programmer although im more than capeable of compiling something from source (on *nix).

    Here is Metroid:

    More can be found in the thread.

  • Video Moments: Tobiah “I Love your music”

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


    i’ve heard this before but cant put my finger on it. Maybe its the Pixies’ esqe synth pad.

  • temp sound solutions the new era of 8 bit traditionalism

    ccn012_bigThe ever prolific temp sound solutions is back with a new EP:

    Having contributed to all of the compilations on Concatenation thus far, temp sound solutions has released this collection of more experimental works here. These songs nearly span the entirety of the tss project and they’ve all been cleaned up and arranged. All of these songs have a chiptune feel to them as well, as they were mostly written and produced with trackers.

    via Concatenation Records – CCN012 – temp sound solutions – the new era of 8 bit traditionalism.

  • .GBS Outputting MML Compiler

    kami68k writes:

    Someone in Japan made an MML Compiler that outputs GBS (Gameboy Music) files:

    The Tool, example vids and the supported MML Commands are found at that page.

    A google translation of the page sez:

    Play the music with the sound of the Game Boy.
    ????????? MML(Music Macro Language)???????????????????????????? GBS ??????????? In a text editor MML (Music Macro Language) to write a variety of players that can pass GBS to the compiler output file.

    NSF Player ????????????????????????????????? NSF Player and improved version of the old, new?RI?SHIMASHITA based on actual results of the experiment.
    ????????????????? GB ???????? Pico Pico also miss the warm sound great place GB.


  • Pixelstyle Launched

    littlesamsontileEnso writes about: