Category: Animation
Pixel Philosophy Animations
RVU, a Dutch National Educational Television broadcaster, is working with the University of Leiden and philosopher Bas Haring on Wisebits, a project bringing together a big collection of artists to produce 365 short animations.
Each of the project’s animations will tell a story about a philosophy written and created by Haring. RVU will begin posting one animation each school day this fall on the official Wisebits site (in Dutch).
Heosphoros’ Embered Recollections
Heosphoros has a new NSF EP and ROM album uploaded at, the chiptune upload site. Amazing artwork and stunning doom chip anxiety in every frame of music.
Neil Voss’s XGON Appeared.
iPhone _ puzzler and music generator mashup. Something I’m working on. Despite appearances does not play anything like Trism.
via /=\//_//\ //=/=\/>_.