Category: Featured

Front page stickies items

  • MadRam – Ecole Buissonniere (2000)

    This post was supposed to go online yesterday but our recent bug destroyed my post! I just noticed. So here’s the demo of the week.

    I was talking with Peter about Amstrad CPC graphics and how I thought that machine had the best fixed palette of all 8-bit computers, when he told me “put up or shut up”. So here’s a nice demo which, albeit not being tremendously mindblowing, does put to good use the capabilities of the Amstrad CPC in terms of color, even while not reaching the levels of madness by the demo we had posted before, Vanity.

    You can also check out Rebels’ slideshow called Crystal.

  • Triebkraft & 4th Dimension – WeeD (2003)

    I spent all last weekend watching a bunch of stuff for the Spectrum. I don’t know much about this platform but what I have been recommended and told by friends like C-Jeff or Yerzmyey, therefore it seemed like some nice homework.  I also needed an excuse to save some cash and buy a divIDE for my Spectrum +3!

    I had the happy surprise top stumble upon this demo, which has become since one of the favourites of mine for the platform (and ranking high among all platforms too).

    Brilliant art direction and concept-driven demo, with good effects and proper use of ZX Spectrum limitations, please enjoy this marvelous piece of computer generated art.

  • Crionics & The Silents – Hardwired (1991)

    A true classic remembered by may, this demo got second place on the demo competition at the classic gathering THE PARTY in 1991.

    Some really lush graphics on the intro! And sound by motherthumping JESPER KYD

  • Ghostown & RNO – Metropolice (2010)

    I would have preferred this winning the Breakpoint 2010 Amiga demo competition rather than that bland Elude flyby demo shit.
    Very cool soundtrack by Jazzcat and a surprisingly cool “8-bit” transition in the middle :D.

    And unlike Elude’s entry, this runs properly on a REAL Amiga.

  • Breakpoint 2010 oldschool roundup

    Yeah, I skipped a week again. But that’s because there’s a ton of Breakpoint goodies to digest.

    Today I offer you a selection of demos and graphics released on oldschool platforms at the last Breakpoint installment. Only my selections! If you wish to see the complete prod list and rankings, check out the Breakpoint website.

    Now, after the jump, enjoy some still and motion graphics from the demoscene:
