- Famicompose is a compose app based on spec of 8-bit video game console. You can compose the music, and can play this. http://t.co/RMSAjwCy #
- Extent of the Jam Phase Distortion VST by Louis Gorenfeld http://t.co/om7oqgol #
- TCTD news evaluator IN CASE YOUVE WONDERED http://t.co/xL2DWXAS #
- RT @littlescale: WeeklyBeats 2012 #11 Gender Segregation Nation (Accidental Foot) http://t.co/jxqlnV6v #
- RT @minusbaby: • In a perfect world, @Auriea Harvey & Videogramo (http://t.co/3cHNsp09) would make a game with a soundtrack by @Jason6955 #
- RT @notendo: ATARI ST hardware video captures of an audio signal http://t.co/uVZtNIDF #
- RT @BattleLava: The Best of 8BitCollective Chiptunes (8bc) [06/2006-06/2011] – http://t.co/jJhOAonE #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2012-03-27
TCTD Links for 2012-03-24
- KXXL – Lovely Hounds – http://t.co/HMI8WD4C #
- ? Speedcore FUCKOKA (SSGR) by Bokusatsu Shoujo Koubou http://t.co/xeINCRbn #
- RT @speccynews: Fuse Spectrum emulator running on the @Raspberry_Pi – http://t.co/XQhTdCRD #
TCTD Links for 2012-03-23
- Gun Runner Soundtrack | syphus http://t.co/ylFlBRYo #
- LSDJ and You – Episode 3: PWM, I Choose You!!! http://t.co/6eXQg7Pm #
- Make music with p01's Speech Synth http://t.co/n8GZEtHX #
- SoundBytes: Good Game SP: Chiptune Musicians http://t.co/jdEicfN2 #
- Stills from the Amiga demo New-D by Otro and Goto80 http://t.co/Jcg8aC4C #
- RT @BattleLava: LAWL "nintendocore" #
- RT @FortNinety: Happy birthday @DeMarko, 1 of the most awesome human beings alive. If more were like him, this world be a far radder place. #
TCTD Links for 2012-03-22
- [CSDb] – Glitchshifter by Ate Bit (2012) http://t.co/YkFZFgwV #
- POWERLIFTER Tour dates http://t.co/IdWTAIow #
- hizmi – Dual X68000 Live @ Cheapbeats 4 (Sabaco, Mar-20-2012) http://t.co/TX9gQAfT #
- RT @q330: My new sounds: artistic (quarta 330 remix) [FREE DOWNLOAD] http://t.co/zZqYrpjm #
- RT @FiendModulator: Cheapbeats 4 – http://t.co/y7W172yq #
- ANDY L – PR8 Famicom Loops http://t.co/1AN0Pg5n #
- pmh ~ portable music history is in beta http://t.co/tuaOLEsh #
- Retro Game Audio, NES Audio: Sunsoft Bass and Melodic Samples http://t.co/C4Fa12ke #
- 8BiTVoMiT, RUNNING A CHIPTUNE RIOT http://t.co/GuArP1xy #
- RT @nocarrier: Chip musicians: I need some help! If you have time to help me transcribe sound effects into notes, please get in touch! #
- RT @IFightDragons: So, about that Save World Get Girl video we shot 2 weeks ago http://t.co/PuxHAyJF #
TCTD Links for 2012-03-21
- Just announced • @BlipFestival Tokyo 2012 will take place October 20-21 at @KOENJIHIGH • http://t.co/CqL0szsf #
- RT @8bitweapon: From the stage of the SAAM concert last weekend! http://t.co/KwKqB8xt #
- SPRING OSCILLATIONS – Guest Mix by Random | Data Garden http://t.co/jVSQOj2V #