- New Dingoo for Piggy users afraid of the crab hand: http://bit.ly/dp8g85 #
- Night one of Bent Festival, in Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/45775384@N00/sets/72157623913987098/ #
- Dadmau5: From Chipmusic to Tommy Lee to World Domination in three easy steps: http://www.californiachronicle.com/articles/yb/144033873 #
- RT: @depreci8onguild: “Spirit Youth” Lyrics http://bit.ly/d1LbRe #
- RT: @2PProductions: Oh hey, New Episode: http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/pa-the-series/117/ #
- Chiptune Producer allows you to be bigger than Mohammad: #
- RT: @8BitOperators: 8-Bit Operators full catalog on iTunes & Amazon. links: http://bit.ly/8bitops & http://amzn.to/8bitopsmp3 #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2010-04-23
TCTD Links for 2010-04-22
- RT: @pausemusic: The preferred way to say our name is “Pause”. In fact, this is the only way. … Hitler video on the subject coming soon. #
- RT: @speccynews: ZX Spectrum tunes remixed (some still in beta) and available for download as MP3s: #
- RT: @neilvoss: Doing a gameboy set under the stage name ‘much more!’ for the next engadget show, this saturday _ http://bit.ly/nvgadget #
- Skrasoft on FPGA Pokey Aliasing: http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=231 #
- RT: @PalmSounds: 8Bit on Sunvox Part2 – Another handy tutorial on Sunvox.Sunvox at the app store: http://ow.ly/178HYk #
- RT: @4mat_scenemusic: Gave the new Spectrum 48k tracker a go for fun. 1-bit sound out of a tiny beeper speaker! Argh :) http://twaud.io/SCN #
- RT: @depreci8onguild: Just a reminder, you can stream our new album at Spinner, this week only. http://bit.ly/auZtOM #
- RT: @mikearosenthal: Bent Festival starts tonight: http://www.bentfestival.org Can’t believe it’s in its 7th year already… #
- Motherboard is giving away free Bent Fest passes: http://bit.ly/bca185 #
- Nerdapalooza Announced: http://gamemusic4all.com/wordpress/2010/04/nerdapalooza-announces-bands-venue-and-date/ #
- The power of monthlys: http://b-knox.com/155/loblast-developing-a-regular-event-in-ann-arbor/ #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-21
- RT @smashingmag: Akihabara: a set of libraries, tools and presets to create 8/16 bit era games in JavaScript and HTML5- http://bit.ly/aJg1bN #
- Daniel(s) has some nice bass chops: http://mrilightpainting.wordpress.com/2010/04/19/this-friday-nyc-daniels/ #
- Chiptheft Update: http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/20439/#p20439 Dubmood and FantomenK appropriated by Boorish Boers. #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-20
- RT: @speccynews: ArtField retro festival and demo party to take place June 19th in Voronezh, RU: http://zxparty.nedopc.com/ #
- I has Jury Duty Today, so no FMA article.. Wish me luck. #
- Last few hours of Bent Festival Kstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1084793018/bent-festival-2010/posts #
- Wired needs to hear some real nesmetal #
- RT: @minusbaby:Last Jan, a friend challenged me to make a chip version of Gang Starr’s “Take It Personal” beat. #RIPGURU · http://3.ly/3Jjj #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-19
- RT @unicornkid: FREE Download Dream Catcher MP3 – http://www.discobelle.net/2010/04/19/dream-catcher/ #
- An Extra Hyper Affair: Extra -Official Compilation- (Review) http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=9032 #
- Little-Scale- LiveDrummer appeared http://five12.com/t-lpad1.html #
- RT: @bltidm: Video: Trash80 at Datapop 3.0 http://ow.ly/176T32 #
- RT: @baluntweet: Pictures from last Saturday’s Pulsewave! http://bit.ly/94fuje #
- “NES Ver. BAYONETTA – Fly Me To The Moon (? Climax Mix) -” by Otobeya http://bit.ly/96Mdog #
- Exploring The Final Frontier With Norrin_Radd http://www.beepcity.com/features/norrin_radd-anomaly #