- RT: @bltidm: New blog! Video: nordloef at Datapop 3.0 http://ow.ly/171CTt #
- Musicians Pay Tribute to Pocky & Rocky Composer Read More http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2010/04/iwadon/#ixzz0kcrGx3Rx #
- The new Crystal Castles album sounds like they have moved on to ripping off the Knife: http://www.gamesareevil.com/2010/04/wall-sound-bentley-bear/ #
- Ok this Pixel Homage thing is getting nuts: #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2010-04-09
TCTD Links for 2010-04-08
- RT @mashable: New York Gets Destroyed 8-bit Style [VIDEO] – http://bit.ly/cK45Sb More NY destruction porn 4 a bored society. thx @micromusic #
- EasyPiano for the NDS looks equal parts Awesome/Stupid: http://the-palm-sound.blogspot.com/2010/04/easy-piano-for-ds.html #
- CHIP MUSIC IS DEAD: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/malcolm-mclaren-dies-aged-64-1939621.html #
- For the unaware: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQRUVGVm2vQ #
- RT: @ThisSpartanLife: Malcolm McLaren: interviewed several years ago. A divisive figure but an intriguing guest. http://tinyurl.com/yk2p9dh #
- RT: @mikearosenthal: Im reminded of the night i kicked him out of the original tank space for smoking a cigarette. rest in peace dude. #
- RT: @wired: RIP Malcolm McLaren, who wrote about the rise of Gameboy chip music in our Nov. 2003 issue: http://bit.ly/aZP5Dl #
- gwEm’s open letter: http://micromusic.net/public_letter_gwEm.html #
- And so ends the TCTD twitter tribute to the og chipmusic scene vampire RIP Malcom! #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-07
- Nitrotracker is now open source! http://nitrotracker.tobw.net/index.php?cat_id=0 #
- RT: @AtariMusicNet: Share your Chiptune and MIDI Music on AMN Live! from the Atari Music Network http://www.atarimusic.net/ #
- Wired on Moon8 with quotes from starpause: http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2010/04/moon8/ #
- Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog by Dr: Octoroc. None of these words make any sense to me: http://bit.ly/cTqkr0 #
- Anamanaguchi Chi-a-fil-a-a recap: #
- XCEN Live at Toy Company 2 http://xc3n.bandcamp.com/track/toy-company-2-live-set-in-montr-al #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-06
- NYC Chipcon – CANCELED. #
- GSW on the 8th Annual scene.org awards: http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/04/special_the_8th_annual_sceneorg_awa.php #
- cheapdinosaurs.com! #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-05
- And people wonder why its so hard to get outside promoters interested in chip music concerts: http://bit.ly/bUGC8r #
- Interview with 8moon creator Brad Smith: #
- Lo-bit Playground v14.0 announced: http://www.lbpg.net/ #
- NTRQ updated to 1.1: http://blog.ntrq.net/?page_id=12 #
- Nullsleep at Datapop 3.0 with A New Track: http://www.vimeo.com/10513830 #
- The Depreciation Guild interview: http://www.diamondbackonline.com/diversions/double-time-1.1304618 #
- Chiptheft now coming to your massive techno festivals> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyIF7DgECqo Electrixx using a video from COMPUTADORA #
- For No reason, TCTD on Tumblr: http://tctd.tumblr.com/ #
- RT @ThisSpartanLife Brand new TSL episode on Halo Waypoint today! Damian interviews Jacob Benton & Jeremy Patenaude of 343 Industries. See i #
- RT @TheTankNYC Bent Festival needs your help! Donate to our Kickstarter campaign and get SWEET rewards! http://bit.ly/bentstarter #