- Happy New Year World of Chip Music. #
- Lazerscale 2010 threatens to destroy all your self confidence: http://www.lazerscale2010.com/ #
- Atarimusic is launched: http://www.atarimusic.net/ #
- Tiger Claw Radio's year end chiptune podcast: http://tigerclawradio.podbean.com/2010/01/01/new-years-chiptune-music-special/ #
- Get over to http://www.chipcoalition.com so you can call everyone else noobs whilst you pine for the days when this forum KICKED ASS. #
Category: In the News
TCTD micronews for 2010-01-01
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-31
- GSW BlipFEst Recap is quite through: http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2009/12/event_report_blip_fest_2009_everything.php#more #
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-29
- ptoing blog with sexellent pixel goliaths: http://ptoing.blogspot.com/2009/11/8-colour-mugs.html #
- Rock the World 9 recap: http://mychiptune.blogspot.com/2009/12/rock-world-9-bukit-jalil-26-december.html #
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-28
- 20 years STe megademo #
- RT: @8static: Spread the word: 8static campaign is LIVE: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1764370381/8static-phillys-premier-8-bit-party #