- RT: @Mdashdotdashn: covox rips it at byol ! http://tinyurl.com/ylfwups #
- Jellica Chip Trash Pop Mix Tape #
- Britney and Chromelodeon mashup questions your sanity http://bit.ly/368b3v #
- Bleep Street records relaunch is Go http://www.bleepstreet.com/ #
Category: In the News
TCTD tweets from 2009-10-18
TCTD tweets from 2009-10-17
- Fnessnej c64 post rock http://www.myspace.com/fnessnej #
- Chipsounds demo videos http://bit.ly/46regi #
TCTD tweets from 2009-10-16
- Help Pulsewave Audio with this Kickstarter: http://bit.ly/NDjuW #
- micromusic: Bit Shifter, Paris, outpt on the Engadget Show Oct 22nd 2009 http://bit.ly/wsAXL RT: @ChipNow #
- RT: @kikendo: Coming Q1 2010: New 8GB live show, and necessary presentation tour. Targets in Europe: get ready. #
- I am looking for any Okie TCTD Fans to report on the stunning oricompositions of one Tv Death Squad next week: http://tinyurl.com/d8v66v #
- SunVox 1.4.5 is now available on the iPhone. http://bit.ly/8lya2 #
TCTD tweets from 2009-10-15
- Behold the Sickness of this months Pulsewave Flier, Lineup: http://tinyurl.com/yfno4do #
- Chipflip details Vic20's sound improvements. Sounds great! http://bit.ly/13771u #
- MorphOS now supports Mini g4s: http://bit.ly/EeDVd Nice! #
- Dr. Von Pnok Brain Swap EP out on Bleepstreet soon! Previews up on Myspace! http://tinyurl.com/yjl9x7f RT: @bleepstreet #
- Palm Sounds on OP-1 Updates: http://bit.ly/LbyRo #
- And the ROM Flier for this Months Pulsewave http://vimeo.com/7086356 #
TCTD tweets from 2009-10-14
- Goto80's 'Breakfast" teaser: http://bit.ly/4zHDk5 #
- Wild Wind Pixel animation soars on visuals, not so much music: #
- M-.-n – Dummy mkII #
- Chipsounds is now available! http://tinyurl.com/yf7g26p #