- RT @Sabrepulse I've uploaded a new track on soundcloud! Sabrepulse & Knife City – First Crush on #SoundCloud http://snd.sc/mlsZrP #
- RT @calmdownkidder Just uploaded a few vids to the CDK youtube – goto80, JDDJ3J, Divag, Bubblyfish, Dr Von Pnok + http://fb.me/S8J5I4um #
- 2 Player Productions: Meet the Guys Behind the Minecraft Documentary | PCWorld http://t.co/WNMbgaa #
- Leroy Anderson Typewriter Saitone 8bit Rearrange by Saitone http://t.co/EcgHLpi #
- 8bit-Guerrilla Chiptune Database | Digital Tools http://t.co/fp6i7Ta #
- Rosa Menkman and Failotron performing @ Chinese character gallery, Budapest http://t.co/FgRXSts #
- OS Tease | SAVESTATES http://t.co/a24YmyI #
- RT @Sabrepulse: Play With You (Feat Jorden Milnes) on #SoundCloud http://t.co/ITXESs3 #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2011-06-16
TCTD Links for 2011-06-15
- gangbanger (remix by lightning claws) | maddest kings alive http://t.co/8seGC48 #
- RT @Nobuooo: Sabrepulse scores Bit Pilot 2.0: http://t.co/Gxk7A7S #
- CRITICAL ERROR | yerzmyey http://t.co/VmhrbUw #
- RT @ZanZanZawaVeia: TIME FOR CHEEOS: rainbowdie on #SoundCloud http://t.co/JIqDWjc #
TCTD Links for 2011-06-14
- RT @ZenAlbatross Full recording of my set from @BlipFestival now available on @freemusicarchiv. Thanks, @WFMU • http://j.mp/imQSB0 #blip11 #
- TFM Music Maker updated v1.5, TFM Music Player v1.2 http://t.co/9L6jqve #
- here is the changelog for TFM Music Maker http://t.co/sd2Ylhl #
- RT @goto80: The future of music interfaces is here. Chantal kills glitch wannabees. youtu.be/E457q4A-_s0 #
- RT @Sixofstyle: C64 Pixel artist Shane Fell is missing: wwltv.com/news/local/Fam… #
- zet. – hyperpolarisation on BLEEPSTREET Records out on 6/23 http://t.co/wk4UZaf #
TCTD Links for 2011-06-13
- Free Music Archive: Peter Swimm – Live from Blip Festival 2011 – #
- RT @enso_gfx Pulsewave 6.18 flyer: http://tumblr.com/xgk2z0xywh #
- RT @gw3m The old skool music compo at @outline2010 was a good one, I regret not entering. Listen here: http://t.co/cNNV5YX @dma_sc FTW #
- Skgb's Alternate Adventures in Dubstepland | SKGB http://t.co/h71FX73 #
- Skweeemish riddims mixtape http://t.co/tXjKITn skweestep. #
- CoS Audiography: Episode 011: “An Interview with Jeremy Kolosine, part 2? http://t.co/mnKu9q9 #
- RT @4mat_scenemusic: Viznut's Vic20 twostep in 16 bytes. http://t.co/bviwBFd #
TCTD Links for 2011-06-10
- Free Music Archive: Blip Festival NY 2011 Round 1 #
- RT @noobz_cc: Buy my music with #BitCoin http://noobz.cc/ MP3, OGG, FLAC! Blowout Sale! #
- RT @speccynews: Arok 8-bit demo party to take place 29-31 July in Ajka, Hungary: http://arok.intro.hu/ #
- RT: @_lemon: Here's a little preview work in progress live mix for 4mat http://soundcloud.com/andy_l/4mat-montreux-ne7s-live-12-mix :) #
- Cheap Dinosaurs @ The Mausoleum on Vimeo #
- RT @ToddBailey: Sneak peek of the WTPA2! #