- RT @4mat_scenemusic lft's "Elements of chipmusic" seminar is on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEjcK5JFEFE #
- RT @Disasterpeace Making legit NES music and SFX for this neat little game: #
- Pixel Art Tools huge list! #
- Prime Part II – MicroD #
- hizmi live in cafelasiesta right now http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cafelasiesta #
- Cyber Speedway Evolution 1 bit and NES – Jredd #
- Chiptune musicians needed for concert event #
- Ubiktune: What is your favorite Ubik songs #
- GameSetWatch – Delightful, Fictional Cart Designs At My Famicase Exhibition 2011 #
- Bent Festival 2011 Kickstarter announced #
- BLIP FESTIVAL TOKYO 2011 10?22-23? · OCTOBER 22-23 #
- Monglot opensourced! #
- Xcenoxyzs – ??? #
- RT: @evilpaul_atebit: New Ate Bit demo out! It's a 23byte audio/visual C64 intro from 4mat. http://bit.ly/lNDr27 #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2011-05-03
TCTD Links for 2011-05-02
- SID Known v1.0 (2011) – #
- lsdj-sav-utils – A suite of scripts for manipulating LSDJ .sav files #
- I'm glad to see that Pitchfork decided to go with the low bid: #
- A compilation of music by irrlichtproject in form of music program for ZX Spectrum 48K. #
- probertson: pokemon #
- I have an idea what the D in DMAGAZINE stands for: #
- Fastfingers For The Commodore 64 » Synthtopia #
- Kaboom Boom futurepastwithdancers – Computer.m4v #
- hexawe: casiorelapse votepack #
- Nullsleep – Pulsewave April 2011 (Part 3) #
TCTD Links for 2011-04-29
- Hardcore Band Pt. 2 (Live @ Tone) – 10k #
- RT @calmdownkidder can you hype http://brk.to/ttfhb The Tin Foil Hat Brigade new album #
- We have a new user post submission form.. hopefully it will have less problems! #
- SunVox: true 1bit sound #
- 8BC now supports: .ym, .xm,.nan,.ftm,.nsf,.sndh,.midi,.sav,.gbs,.it,.rbs,.wav, .bmp,.xrns .mdx,.sap,.sid,.vgm,.s3m #
- A Dreadful chip-tune song #
- Milka Game Boy #
- GameSetWatch – 8-Bit Generation: Playing The Revolution Documentary Series #
- CHIPPER – Atari Lynx examples by cTrix are amazing #
- Anigif art spiel #
- De låter massan betala – Computer Sweden on 2PP #
- RT @StarscreamNY TEST PRESSINGSSSSS ^_____^ #
TCTD Links for 2011-04-28
- Help Noisewaves Travel To Blip Festival 2011! by Noisewaves http://ht.ly/4IMvb #
- RT @evilpaul_atebit: Any awesome artists with game/demoscene experience looking for freelance work? Give me a shout! :) #
- RT @animalstyle: some good @8static press! http://kxk.me/?Nbnbn #
- So we now have the tctd.us shorturl which should be mostly AMAZON CLOUD Proof. Party: #
- SCSU to host chip music event | St. Cloud TIMES #
- Chip Critique 1: Re-appropriation « CHIPFLIP #
- Some Demos from the REVISION2011 (Demoscene) | Digital Tools #
- Bhajis Loops Tutorials #
- Office tales – Cartoon Bomb #
- Glitch ‘n Grind: DIY Video Grinder Hardware Does Wonderful Things #
- RT @StarscreamNY Also, everyone stop debating shit about chip music and just make good music. Good enough so that no one cares how its made #
TCTD Links for 2011-04-27
- CHIPPER Lynx Music App updated to http://ht.ly/4HV4O #
- application for casually creating fresh drum sounds and beats, coded by Starpause, JJG http://ht.ly/4I7KI #
- Console Mod's that don't actually make me want to puke: GameSetWatch – Oskunk's Genesis Of Rage, Bombermunny http://ht.ly/4IaVk #
- demoscene.us – @party 2011 Invitation released http://ht.ly/4IjHB #
- RT @partytimehxlnt: Electronic Dream Phone (NES) http://tumblr.com/xfh2ahks5l #
- RT @eindbaas_org: Tomorrow we play on hour of our favorite chiptune songs on Hackerspaces Signal Den Haag. 22:00 at http://t.co/xyvNg8z #
- RT @pixelseed: Byte Nyte on June 4th Hexagon Space @hexagonspace in Baltimore. #8bit #chipmusic Pre-Order tickets @ http://www.bytenyte.com #
- RT @thesimplicity: Baltimore's first BYTE NYTE: http://bytenyte.com/ June 4th! Starscream, Bear & Walrus, Trey Frey, Kedromelon, Dauragon +! #
- GameSetWatch – Sound Current: 'Anamanaguchi's Guide to Scott Pilgrim: The Game Soundtrack' http://ht.ly/4InHw #
- TCTD Awards House Band SHRIMPS drop lead single, "Swagger!" http://bit.ly/jANJRd #