- RT: @Pixelh8: Come on people 6.4k raised do far 86% of our new 7.5k goal so close! http://t.co/zzWAMlC #
- RT @goto80 @TCTD: Tired of C64-games in English? Here's one in Spanish. Released yesterday. http://is.gd/WcmyLT #
- JSYK, Dave Haynie sells old amiga beta hardware. http://ht.ly/4ytQ0 #
- Disquiet » If You’re Thinking of Starting a Netlabel … http://ht.ly/4yutr #
- RT @zenalbatross: On MoBo: Remembering Jerry Lawson, computer games pioneer & inventor of the videogame ROM http://j.mp/eFncUd #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2011-04-12
TCTD Links for 2011-04-11
- This is the LAST WEEK to get in your 2010 TCTD Awards nominations.. Make them count! http://bit.ly/tctd10 #tctd10 #
- Ceephax Acid Crew Interview » Synthtopia http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2011/04/11/ceephax-acid-crew-interview/ #
- RT @siriusn: Donated to the @TCTD Chip In: Japan and get an awesome collection of very great Chipmusic! YEAH http://ht.ly/4xx2M #
- RT @bleepstreet: our little weekend experiment goes live. MegaTV is our new fancy random youtube tv.. http://fb.me/EqXYHwzi #
- What is a slang word for "chiptune" in French? – Yahoo! Answers http://ht.ly/4xGOD #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this week [01/02]: Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Farmington, Middlesbrough, Milwaukee… http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- New ZX Spectrum engine – Huby – 1-bit music news http://ht.ly/4xKOK #
- Inchworm available on DSiWare April 25 http://ht.ly/4xKWl #
- RT @nullsleep: _patt_rNs/07 • |_,;| |.;:'| • http://t.co/88EO3EZ #
- RT @gamesetwatch: Fangamer Selling Retro City Rampage Shirts And More http://bit.ly/ecT1LY #
- RT @goto80: Tired of C64-games in English? Here's one in Spanish. Released yesterday. http://is.gd/WcmyLT #
- RT @beytah: @wyattgurp wrote a lovely review of my chiptune album "Phobos Monolith" over @ i love copyleft: http://ilovecopyleft.tumblr.com/ #
- RT @StarscreamNY: Preorder for, "Future, Towards the Edge of Forever," now available through @Insound. http://bit.ly/guSzbL #
- RT @thesimplicity: Chip Music Chronicle updated with videos of all the Bear & Walrus, Greenleaf and Starscream 8static: http://bit.ly/ihy1is #
TCTD Links for 2011-04-08
- RT @jefftheworld: Fasttraker 2 Tutorial: Part 1 is online! http://bit.ly/fCgE57 #
- The Classic Commodore 64 Reborn As Modern PC – The Consumerist http://ht.ly/ #
- 235 Star Trek characters in pixel form, all on one poster – Boing Boing http://ht.ly/4w78o #
- You rock! RT @forneuslex: Donated to the @TCTD Japan fund for one @_glowingstars song. Got like, 100 others? Go "chip" in, ar har har. in reply to ForneusLex #
- The Commodore 64, dead? Not as long as this man is alive! An interview with Jason “Kenz” Mackenzie http://ht.ly/4wcUA #
- Free Indie Rapid Fire LIVE with CRASHFASTER! http://ht.ly/4weg1 #
- GDC Vault – Classic Game Postmortem – MARBLE MADNESS http://ht.ly/4w7oF #
TCTD Links for 2011-04-07
- RT @jdelavegs: Holy wow! @bytejacker is going to be LIVE at 4pm tomorrow with @crashfaster as musical guest! http://youtube.com/bytejacker #
- RT @bytejacker: @TCTD 4PM PST/7PM EST! #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • OUT NOW 8BP119 – YM Rockerz: Seven • "the cream of the Atari ST chiptune scene's musicians" • http://t.co/CxHsXpx #
- They worked hard on it, so you should too! Tell us about why your choice should be the Best Release http://bit.ly/tctd10 #tctd10 #
- RT @8bitweapon: Us with the 8 Bit Cubist (and @crashfaster in the background wearing @TCTD shirt) http://fb.me/Owt1lst5 #
TCTD Links for 2011-04-06
- ? DJ 0000 & Convectorh – FOLLIN'S JOURNEY mix http://ht.ly/4uizz #
- RT @lastknightuk: Chiptune special with interviews @2PProductions @8bitpeoples @adamgetsawesome @ancatmax @bit_shifter_ #
- Rechargeable Volume 1 – 60 minute tape in 100% recycled case, massive download & 2 music videos http://ht.ly/4uj4b #
- Eli and Declan singing kaboom boom off their nanoloop http://ht.ly/4ul5y #
- RT @goto80: [chipflip] Amiga Apes and LSDj in Libraries http://is.gd/wqnuHT #
- Old-school computer company logo t-shirts – Boing Boing http://ht.ly/4urri #
- LittlePiggyTracker on the OpenPandora http://ht.ly/4uydZ #