- RT @peterswimm: Live Rig '12 http://t.co/gikMQyZ2 #
- starmelt live (Blipfest Scandinavia 2010) http://t.co/mE7vsxvy #
- Huoratron’s ‘Cryptocracy’ unleashed today! | Last Gang Entertainment Blog http://t.co/ou3Grb6u #
- The Daily Bruin :: Bit by bit: UCLA Game Lab to host concert featuring chiptune music http://t.co/G1kjawwA #
- Fort Atlantic releases new album on modded NES cartridge, no chiptunes in sight — Engadget http://t.co/P6C2GOaE #
- Announcing: NoiChan Chiptune Bazaar & LSDJ Showdown http://t.co/Od7xT8K7 #
- Seaking's Seaglass Chipthrash Edition Feat. The Ghost Servant http://t.co/kGHWdHHl #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2012-04-25
TCTD Links for 2012-04-24
- Fez soundtrack is full of secrets – Video Games Reviews, Cheats | http://t.co/P2ZLm3Lb http://t.co/NNQXwC51 #
- Huoratron review – http://t.co/GbUiuVfm http://t.co/ikAieuSs #
- Building an Arduino Chiptunes project inside an FPGA – Hack a Day http://t.co/22QTVyIC #
- Mode Machines SID SYNTHESIZER – Wavetable Editor http://t.co/yFvdCvR2 #
- 8bit deserters mixtape by mikro orchestra http://t.co/AnOLw9Bp #
- Retro Game Audio, Can you explain how the MSX2 sound chip works? http://t.co/tMw7bFvu #
- RT @boomlinde: @TCTD that info is off! metal gear 2 did not use the msx expansion (no konami games did). it has a built in sound generator #
- ? Andy L – ZX Spectrum 48k Samples http://t.co/7e6OxwAW #
- 2a03 Archive compiled by UI http://t.co/QkZOWhO8 #
- RT @BSK: YouTube / Bokusatsu Shoujo Koubou (??????) new album "Bokusatsu Shoujos Kingdom" preview: http://t.co/GeFRJibb #
- LSDJ and You: Episode Seven – Cheapshot’s Blip Bass http://t.co/0uBU3IQe #
TCTD Links for 2012-04-21
- Huoratron's Software Would Generate New Remix for Every Download | http://t.co/iipummgU http://t.co/4dV94jOz #
- Mike Morasky on using Chipsounds for Portal 2 http://t.co/Nvpuq2OU #
- MATRIXSYNTH: ATARI POKEY 8-bit Computer Sound on PIC32 http://t.co/n5R1gWuO #
- Official Portal 2 Website – Music http://t.co/scvJ4Ebi #
- Fairlight "We might be old, but we're still the elite" – Computer Sweden http://t.co/HYF2glHV #
- Danimal Cannon – Roots « Album Du Jour – Updated Daily http://t.co/5OI1nSPQ #
- RT @pitchforkmedia: Anonymous Hacker Group to Launch Social Music Platform, Pulling Streams From YouTube, Soundcloud, http://t.co/iQQnm5Ds #
- Kicks / Moves | Sycamore Drive http://t.co/5tfaGMrT #
- Oh yea, Bob Marley fest traffic. #killmenow #buzzkill #twitter #
TCTD Links for 2012-04-20
- RT @calmdownkidder You may or may not have heard, #CHIPFEST7 has been announced! Check out the lineup at… http://t.co/bSdylhB4 #
- DIY Gameconsole needs pixel logo… http://t.co/RelH0EiO #
TCTD Links for 2012-04-19
- MATRIXSYNTH: Pixelh8's ZXSynth – ZX Spectrum Synth for iOS http://t.co/rtEjE8TG #
- Blip Festival 2012 NYC Website Launched http://t.co/9PfOV4jZ #
- Zef – in Rock Band http://t.co/7duqIHmX #
- Teletext, UK web precursor, dies with analog signals – Boing Boing http://t.co/XT0xUqHl #