- KEYGENMUSiC – updates http://ht.ly/3BKzb #
- RT @rngdlz: @TCTD i wish they would get their credits right. there’s a gazillion of my tunes in there, all with blanked out, false credits. #
- RT @rngdlz: @TCTD there’s http://chiptune.com and http://ftp.modland.com for tunes with untouched credits #
- RT @4mat_scenemusic: is http://amp.dascene.net/ any use to you as well? (for the older stuff) #
- I agree RT @echolevel: Surely it’s the fault of all those shit-heeled cracking groups? Author names seem to be automatically genned #
- RT @chunter16: Cracking groups were trying to share games, I don’t think credit for posterity’s sake was something anybody thought about SIC #
- that JulieHally eroge soundtrack has mp3’s here: http://www.willowsoft.biz/01_wi-pro/tsuma_04/main_dow.html #
- OT: WFMU’s FMA Seeks Freelance PHP, MySQL, jQuery Developer http://ht.ly/3BRJG #
- RT @jasonvincion: New release on Concatenation Records! http://www.concatenationrecords.com/ccn026-cacomistle-eight-melodies.html #
- Adventure announces sophomore album for Carpark http://ht.ly/3BStf #
- RT @thetanknyc: Check out Marjorie Becker ‘s photos from Overclocked New Year’s on Chiptography! #
- Anamanaguchi, So So Glos, Lionshare @ Knitting Factory -pics http://ht.ly/3C2Vz #
- RT @goto80: Been video-recording C64 tracker-improv for the past months, so some mega-open music coming soon to a VHS-dealer near you! #
- RT @starpause: SLAVES OF NAMM mix by yrs truleaf !~ 60min of idm/chip/electro for stream or download !~ http://bit.ly/gbU1mx #
- Pitchfork: Forkcast: M.I.A.: “Internet Connection (Huoratron Rum Aid Remix)” http://ht.ly/3C4Cf #
- Video Game Shield by Wayne and Layne http://ht.ly/3C7ij #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2011-01-11
TCTD Links for 2011-01-10
- nyctaper » Anamanaguchi: January 6, 2011 Knitting Factory http://www.nyctaper.com/?p=4794 #
- RT @anamanaguchi: Limited run new shirt + sweatshirt // ascii ragerz // http://3.ly/zuv5 #
- RT @BSK: Listen to my new sounds: Hae (The Fly) Chipbreak! #
- Album review: Anamaguchi’s ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game’ #
- Joystick Division – Chiptunes Documentary Reformat The Planet Now on Hulu http://ow.ly/1rZsTv #
- Decktonic NYC live video: http://ow.ly/1rZsVe #
- Live at 8static 1/8/11 | AdamGetsAwesome http://ht.ly/3AOY9 #
- RT @goto80: it’s still 2008! new stuff at #
- Album review: Anamaguchi’s ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game’ http://ht.ly/3B1Zg #
- RT @saskrotch: made a terry bogard sample kit for the gameboy Bogard LSDJ Kit Test.mp3 #
- RT @koreatown: Photos taken by @enomooshiki during Koreatown LA performance of chiptune artist Mike Bleeds http://bit.ly/mikebleeds #
- LSDJ Keytar: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/3166/lsdj-keytar/ #
- RT @SoundBytesOz: Yup black tshirts. This is the front. Colours are gorgeous! http://twitpic.com/3onk2q #
- RT @SoundBytesOz: And the back (pic is awful but it has the web address on it) http://twitpic.com/3onmq6 #
- FMP7 appeared http://fmp.jp/wp/program/fmp7 #
- Tokyo Demofest http://fmp.jp/wp/program/fmp7 #
- RT @56kbpsrecords: #musicmonday – #chipmusic albums and comps featuring @ebot_ – http://bit.ly/gV5POR #
- Hexawe: one sample compo http://ht.ly/3BcOS #
- Interesting article on why a dev chose fakebit for his retro game project: http://ht.ly/3BdOX #
- Doomcloud – LIVE at Church of Boston – 121910 http://ht.ly/3BeUR #
- Tough and Cool (T&C Surf Designs) – Heosphoros http://ht.ly/3BgKv #
- Anamanaguchi @ The Knitting Factory 01.06.11 “UNME” on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/m/#/18607278 #
- Hulu – ” Im not judging the doc as a film because I did not watch it all.” http://ht.ly/3Bhuh #
- GDC Invite looks familiar: http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2011/01/gdc_organizers_debut_gd-bot.php #
- RT @dutycyclegen: PR8 manual (1st draft) available for your reading pleasure: http://t.co/gTDJcT7 #
- Phosphor is a VSTi/AU of the alphaSyntauri, a vintage digital additive synth. http://www.audiodamage.com/instruments/product.php?pid=AD027 #
- RT @wavetheory: $3 for the ENTIRE 8-Bit Pimp album! 8-Bit hip-hop on the cheap! http://rivalrivalrival.bandcamp.com/album/8-bit-pimp #
- [CSDb] – Datastorm 2011 Invitation by Genesis Project (2011) http://ht.ly/3Bppz #
TCTD Links for 2011-01-08
- RT @WaveTheory 8-Bit Pimp on sale for $3 this Monday! Super Meat Boy remix released! http://www.planetskill.com Please RT! Thanx! #
- RT @bryfacetron http://soundcloud.com/bryface/thought-process-ds-10 "Thought Process" from my DS-10 album! #
- RT @anapnea Anapnea now has a weekly hacker radio show! Listen to @chompfm at for chiptunes, stories, interviews and more! #
- RT @4mat_scenemusic Razor 1911 at TokyoDemoFest http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=56549 (Rez, Ilkke and 4mat) #demoscene #
TCTD Links for 2011-01-07
- Wizwars side project ANALOG WIZARDS: http://wizwars.bandcamp.com #
- RT @8gb_: today is collaboration day with UI of http://www.iloveui.com fame :D http://fb.me/PR3pTt3l in reply to 8GB_ #
- RT @firebrandboy: Looking for a pixel artist to design a logo for my site. Please see http://is.gd/kinrh for more info http://fb.me/RdahMxzu #
- RT @chippanze: • site oficial do projeto Pulselooper: http://www.pulselooper.net #chipmusic #
- RT @jasonopus: My review of @jaytholen's chiptune gospel album. http://opus.fm/s/5110/ RIYL Susumu Hirasawa, Sufjan, Joy Electric #
- RT @sabrepulse: my 'famicom connection' lp is now available on itunes and 80 other digital stores worldwide. http://brk.to/q6j #
TCTD Links for 2011-01-06
- RTP DVD review in Westword Denver: http://blogs.westword.com/backbeat/2011/01/stream_a_chiptune_documentary.php #
- Destructoid Too: http://www.destructoid.com/chiptune-documentary-reformat-the-planet-now-on-hulu-190901.phtml #
- Data Dance new chip night in Winipeg: http://ghostynet.wordpress.com/2011/01/06/coming-soon-to-winnipeg-data-dance-level-2/ #
- Nijuu updates: http://blog.ntrq.net/?p=452 #
- Rico’s Extended Module Jam#2 http://ricozerone.bandcamp.com/track/ricos-extended-module-jam-2 #
- RT @8static: Come out to the pre-show event and learn about chipsounds – with a chance to win a free copy. All info at http://8static.com #
- Nintendo Chords version 2: http://nickmaynard.tumblr.com/post/2614358527/version-2-of-my-nintendo-chords-program-updates #
- RT @bleepstreet: is proud to present 486 “4bit 4reedom” – our first fresh release for 2011 !!! Enjoy!!! #
- Pulseloop – 80486 http://pulselooper.bandcamp.com/album/80486 #
- RT @disasterpeace: Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar and Cat Astro Phi were featured on @bytejacker this week: #
- Anamanaguchi kicking off tour tonight: http://ht.ly/3zx7P #
- RT @FrankieBit The tune made by Julie and Saitone is the soundtrack of the new digital manga produced by Reiji Matsumoto of Daft Punk fame #