- RT @orangedrink666: Help us get our electro-house-chip album pressed to vinyl! http://kck.st/hccdba #
- RT @_lemon: http://soundcloud.com/andy_l/ne7-tribute uploaded a brand new original C-64 sidtune to my Soundcloud page, enjoy \o_ #
- Nintendo NES Does MIDI and Live Music, Integrated into Your Studio http://ht.ly/3p0RW #
- animal style live at Dec 8static posted to hi facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/animal-style/25366664993 #
- Chiptography: I/O December 2010 http://ht.ly/3p5L0 #
- RT @demoscenepouet: IntrosC64.org: 501 tasty new intros to satisfy your infinite appetite: http://bit.ly/ijm3zY #
- RT @starscreamny: “Future, and It Doesn’t Work + Remixes,” and, “The Space Years,” now both live on iTunes!!! #
- Retro Thing: Scratch-Built 8-bit Retro Computer http://ht.ly/3pdq8 #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2010-12-14
TCTD Links for 2010-12-13
- Gameboy VGA Adapter | RivalCorp http://ht.ly/3o2ix #
- CrunchyCo » In which I review 8bc’s weekly top track OR Why do they come to our concert to boo us? http://ht.ly/3o2k1 #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this week [02/02]: …Melbourne, Montréal, New York, St. Louis, Sydney, Tokyo, Vitoria. http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- RT @denpanosekai: Here’s the ???? opening demo, with a chiptune song from JulieHally! Awesome!!! http://youtu.be/XzzSB1isobk #
- RT @bleepstreet: Ready for this ? Coming out next on BLEEPSTREET! >- 486 -< True Chipstep in 4096 colors. http://fb.me/QiB6ntH5 #
- Studio Brussel: Vermin Twins ‘No effects’ http://ht.ly/3oksx #
- RT @gamesetwatch: 2PP’s Behind The Scenes Look At Naughty Dog, Uncharted 3 http://bit.ly/hBVFXZ #
- Aww Thx! RT @ZaxCG2 I’m just now starting to realize how awesome you guys are to the chiptune community. Thanks for geting news out there! #
- RT @2pproductions: Thanks @minusbaby @nmeunier @thesimplicity, @failotron for all the great music in our Uncharted3 doc http://aol.it/fOZlI3 #
- Thx Again! #warmfuzzies RT @lazybraingames: The dopest chiptune site on planet earth… http://bit.ly/fWl4aP #
- Dead Hackers Society : Checkpoint releases new demo http://ht.ly/3ozVq #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-11
- RT @starscreamny: Check out video from @Santospartyhaus taken by @fx6ex6 of, “Shred the Gnar (Into the Stars)” http://vimeo.com/17690021 #
- minusbaby -Various Artists “Songs for Staying Warm: A Holiday Compilation by Anne” [2010] coverart http://ht.ly/3ntCE #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-10
- RT @disasterpeace: Big ups to Plogue for their amazing @chipsounds software. I used it to create Cat Astro Phi (http://bit.ly/e0JWqV). #
- RT @tristanperich: NY mag features 1-Bit Symphony in Vulture Gift Guide: http://ht.ly/3n8Zs #
- Free Music Archive: “Experimental Apple” Music Composed in HyperCard for a Trio of 68k Macs http://ht.ly/3nbDO #
- Foreign Traveler – ??? http://ht.ly/3niKJ #
- NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL MIDI Kickstarter http://ht.ly/3njlQ #
- Sabrettpulse #fatchiptunebands #
- anamanabluecheese #fatchiptunebands #
- chubblyfish #fatchiptunebands #
- m4fat #fatchiptunebands #
- BowlofFlandig 2000 #fatchiptunebands #
- David Corn Sugar #fatchiptunebands #
- chilitech #fatchiptunebands #
- tofutti monsters #fatchiptunebands #
- stew #fatchiptunebands #
- tempurasoundsolutions #fatchiptunebands #
- 8bit wonton #fatchiptunebands #
- baked alaska ebsen #fatchiptunebands #
- rice dispyz #fatchiptunebands #
- a_schnitzel #fatchiptunebands #
- WhizWars #fatchiptunebands #
- Tugbloat #fatchiptunebands #
- YMBK #fatchiptunebands #
- Yerzmezzy #fatchiptunebands #
- shrimps #fatchiptunebands #
- Slob Hubbard #fatchiptunebands #
- Meal Baldwin #fatchiptunebands #
- Hashphoros. #fatchiptunebands #
- RT @crystallabs: We are proud to present Pause Merch #01 Act fast! http://goo.gl/tfHMe #
- RT @foreversonic: RT @RadioSEGA: Tonight on #SEGAAGES it’s a chiptune as ResidentSD plays two hours of SEGA music! Join us from 9pm UK. #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-09
- PR8: Some Design Changes http://ht.ly/3mMP3 #
- RT @calmdownkidder: The Chipmusic Hour – #VGM special tonight! If you’re DDOSing the fuck out of everywhere, or just chillin, have a listen! #