- RT @bit_shifter_: • Sleep schedule: FUBAR. May as well update the 8bp calendar, neglected over the last 5 wks http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- Phlogiston scores “Super Crate Box” – http://ow.ly/2S8XL #
- Vote on the album art for the next Radiograffiti 7″! (+Giveaway!) http://ow.ly/2SbUn #
- RT @CinemaSuicide: Here’s a 16-bit chiptune take on Maiden. Perfect replacement for any Castlevania score. http://youtu.be/DzHwn-2wAnQ #
- TCTD Turns Two this Saturday.. what should I buy myself to celebrate? #
- You’re Stealing it Wrong: 30 Years of Inter-Pirate Battles http://ow.ly/2SrmO #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2010-10-12
TCTD Links for 2010-10-11
- DHS: Sundown 2010 video report http://ow.ly/2Rk1d #
- SoundBytes: thanks with video Mozilla Firefox #
- M4G Tracker – Demo fora GBA PU1 + PU2 + NZE + SMP http://ow.ly/2RAM5 #
- Academic paper on Game Boy music call for help: http://ow.ly/2RCVX #
- Make: Online : distellamap: Modern Visualizations of Atari 2600 code #
- Demand Rushjet1: Mega Man Legends 3 invites fans to actively participate in game development http://ow.ly/2RELY #
- La Belle Indifference – Best Friends at 8static Oct 09, 2010 http://ow.ly/2RIQc #
- b-knox sighting: Frontalot Fall 2010 Tour Diary Days 17-19: Cleveland http://ow.ly/2RJiC #
- new Anamanaguchi MP3, live pics, tour dates http://ow.ly/2RJpe #
- I’ve Never Been To Atlanta – Ro-Bear Mozilla Firefox http://ow.ly/2RMS9 #
- Shmup Bit.Trip Fate’s Blissful Minusbaby Soundtrack On Sale Early #
- RT @Radiograffiti: New blog post: CCDM – 7″ Of Doom Now Available! http://www.radiograffiti.org/2010/10/11/ccdm-7-of-doom-now-available/ #
TCTD Links for 2010-10-08
- Now you can like your favorite TCTD posts to your Facebook account: http://truechiptilldeath.com. Go crazy. #
- Binaerpilot launches pro-piracy music album with crowdsourced funding #
- RT @firebrandboy: USB Game Boy Printer cable http://is.gd/fRxal #
- RT @BattleLava: Woke up late this morning to this http://is.gd/fRsgB , a sweet remix of AGES by O2star! #
- From roads to highways (tallina) (Live @ La Huelga) by Pak-0 http://ow.ly/2QKw2 #
- “You SWEARWORDFORCOITUS came out of my VAGINA”: Kevin Blechdom + Wet Mango NSFW-ish http://ow.ly/2QPHB #
TCTD Links for 2010-10-07
- Through the Rainy Season (feat LPower and RushJet1) Heosphoros #
- Boy Walks Girl to Work and is Followed by a Ghost..hnz (aka hunz) http://ow.ly/2Q5cx #
- Palm Sounds: NESynth Free arrives http://ow.ly/2Q8no #
- GALACTIC DANCING, untitled atari 2600 chiptune #
- RT @Nullsleep: There’s a new track in here • Podcast of last nights show (with Nullsleep, Bit Shifter and Tripod) • #
- Blip Fest begets Transformer Toilet – Part I http://ow.ly/2Q4U3 #
- What can we do after Gijs? http://ow.ly/2Q4VP #
- RT @Nullsleep: Some @hunz history He wrote this track in ’92 along with h0l who went on to found monotonik netlabel • http://bit.ly/bSyDmY #
- RT @8static: Come to this weekend’s @8Static – Dance to local chip artists, play our game, and get your pixel on http://ow.ly/2Q00B #
TCTD Links for 2010-10-06
- RT @C64Takeaway: Boot up your breadbin and pay tribute to the late maestro Richard Joseph with 20 covers of his work: http://bit.ly/c0lKcL #
- Modizer v1.1 : progress update http://ow.ly/2Pgtt #
- Chiptography: I/O October 2010 #
- Edward Shallow – Variety of Work (2009-2010) http://ow.ly/2Pkeq #
- Make: Online : NES glitch art creator #
- Pixelh8 The Schematic “Trailer 1” http://ow.ly/2PydV #
- Spritemusic is a hybrid sequencer for simultaneously creating (chip- style) music and (pixel- style) visuals http://ow.ly/2PGK2 #