- Reformat the Weather Channel (Bit Shifter Cover) – µB http://ow.ly/2Fhu7 #
- Bestival: A Review with unicorn kid #
- RT @ZenAlbatross: Listen to Episode 8 of our bi-monthly game music podcast, Original SoundCast: #
- Pi House Generator (2008) – Paul Slocum http://ow.ly/2FlNx #
- Gold Panda on the beauty of the GameBoy http://ow.ly/2FkIs #
- Oven Rake – Dead Bear Mountain http://ow.ly/2FmH3 #
- ViRT – Contra Bebop! http://ow.ly/2FnDJ #
- Chiptuned: Audio Attack Formations of 8 Bit Weapon #
- RT @ahpook: Why did Spark make a whole album of 8-bit chip dubstep? WHO CARES ITS TWO BUCKS http://enpeg.com/discography.php?catno=41 #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2010-09-16
TCTD Links for 2010-09-15
- RT @bytejacker Let’s stop and enjoy some incredible @blipfestival Tokyo videos http://indiegam.es #
- Second Reality on MIDI controller http://ow.ly/2ECXf #
- Tracker terror : khades http://ow.ly/2ECYg #
- See what I mean? Gamers HATE art. http://ow.ly/2EFSu #
- High Zero’s Electric Petting Zoo feature on Tristan Perich http://ow.ly/2EHMp #
- RT @blipfestival: Blip Festival Scandinavia is this weekend! • Schedule posted & tickets now available • http://scandinavia.blipfestival.org #
- RT @vimster: Uploaded another tune just before bed – http://8bc.org/members/vim/ #
- Kittenrock Duck Comp! http://ow.ly/2ELgV #
- The Bit-52’s The World’s Greatest Parts Band playing The B-52’s – Rock Lobster http://ow.ly/2EKlr #
- RT @covox: Sulumi – Torturing (Covox Remix)! Epic pads, fanged bass and comps hungry for blood. Go listen/download at http://bit.ly/akjUw6 #
- Cool! RT @StarscreamNY: Gave the new NASA head of tech a Starscream keychain! He was hyped on it, and will be mailing me a NASA lapel pin #
TCTD Links for 2010-09-13
- RT @ugocapeto: Ubik’s Music manual: This is the manual for Ubik’s Music, the sequencer/tracker for the C64. http://bit.ly/arfHDh #
- RT @crystallabs: Thegumball’s version of Disasterpeace’s “Day of Love” (the song from How Many Stars) http://goo.gl/bvAW #
- RT @dragonchiptune: Posted the new episode of my #chipmusic #furry weekends in Philadelphia. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1710037/ #
- I’m mostly posting this for the Musagi shout-out- http://ow.ly/2DoXN #
- RT @demoscenepouet: Immortal 4: Commodore Amiga game music in newly arranged studio productions: Immortal 4 CD coming http://bit.ly/bZrq6S #
- Pulsar: New Video (as promised) http://ow.ly/2DuhA #
- CEREBRAL_SCARS_LIVE10.08.10 http://ow.ly/2DFIS #
- It’s like mario at an etc RT @Shocklee: Super Mario Bros. turns 25 today http://ow.ly/2DzDM #
- Palm Sounds: Manomio’s IOS C64 BASIC: Fail or Approve? http://ow.ly/2DFOP #
TCTD Links for 2010-09-10
- RT @littlescale: Aussie Chipmusic Directory Updated http://bit.ly/aNSj6L #
- RT @8bitweapon: The SILO 64 Industrial Chiptune & Metal SDTRK is on iTunes! http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/silo-64-soundtrack/id391729127 #
- RT @failotron: people of @budapestmicro. @gw3m nvyllund and more intl chip acts in october. http://bit.ly/c12pSB #8bit #chiptune #
- RT @nieldlr: Man, haven’t listened to Lo-Bat. in quite some time. This man is a chiptune legend. #
- RT @4mat_scenemusic: got iphone/ipad? like to play loads of game music formats? beta testers wanted: http://pouet.net/topic.php?which=7633 #
- RT @ZenAlbatross: More video from PAX chiptune showcase: @Sean_Bad throws down heavy-as-fuck beats : http://youtu.be/JvQ-kXrte1Q #
- RT @anamanaguchi: hey @rcrdlbl posted “airbrushed” 4 free download bc they are da coolest: http://rcrdlbl.com/ #
- Plogue chipsounds: VIC-20 (CR)’s bad waveform clipping http://ow.ly/2CnQ1 #
- RT @tinycartridge: “You know, I wonder where Gunpei Yokoi is buried? I wonder if we should visit his grave?I don’t…” http://bit.ly/dd3iYZ #
- RT @kitschbent: new RGB backlight – RGBbb- available: http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/rgbbb #
TCTD Links for 2010-09-09
- SEP 06 2010 BUBBLYFISH | DAPANTZ | KRIS KEYSER – videos http://ow.ly/2BJm1 #
- TCTD is on vacation, so if you want your news covered, submit it via our online form! #
- RT @minusbaby: • This made my day… being second to Thrill Jockey's (@thrilljockey) Oval at WFMU's (@freemusicarchiv)! · http://3.ly/DK9x #
- RT @minusbaby: uploaded "8bitSF at DNA Lounge, San Francisco" to (@freemusicarchiv) · http://freemusicarchive.org/music/minusbaby #
- RT @simonparkin: NES Advantage synth: http://bit.ly/aKVo6O Are you cheating at chiptune if you use the turbo button? #
- RT @tinycartridge: Happy birthday, Dreamcast! You were a beautiful console;… http://bit.ly/bfjTRC #
- RT @cdmblogs: CDMu: A new #NintendoDS music app, available via DSiWare for $5, for real-time music creation. http://ow.ly/2BOXJ #