- RT @ULTRACHIP: Check out the Ultrachip YouTube Channel for growing number of videos from the event: http://bit.ly/9SiEQF #
- The Depreciation Guild: Daytrotter Session recorded Aug 24, 2010 http://ow.ly/2v9x0 #
- Bit Mummy on Chic-A-Go-Go http://ow.ly/2v9CQ #
- Blip Festival Scandinavia.artists announced http://ow.ly/2vaVP #
- RT @cdmblogs: CDMu: From dodecahedrons to guitarists playing Pong to chip music, meet Handmade Music NYC 8/29’s lineup. http://ow.ly/2vfky #
- Anamanaguchi puts on an acoustic performance of Airbrushed http://ow.ly/2vjY7 #
- Chip music for chip people – 8-bit music at the WCG SEC 2010 http://ow.ly/2vkPE #
- Reformat the Planet release party photos http://ow.ly/2vkY9 #
- RT @gw3m: Oh so I don’t make chiptune because I don’t use a Gameboy?! Fight this shit. #
- I don’t get to post about baseball very much, so sue me. – A Rare Eck Failure, Gibby’s Clutchitude, Inna 8-Bit Style http://ow.ly/2vmaU #
- Flashboy Plus revives Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, my hopes for a 3d tracker http://ow.ly/2vmta #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2010-08-26
TCTD Links for 2010-08-25
- ne7 chiptune arp table #
- Max Vector for iPhone4 & iPad music by 8 Bit weapon http://ow.ly/2uD9z #
- Sound Summit and Electrofringe featuring BLIP SHOWCASE #
- GeekDad makes amends for that whole CHIP IS dead in the UK thingy http://ow.ly/2uEGl #
- RT @RenderfarmFi: @Crayolon Renderfarm.fi and BURP interview on AssemblyTV 7.8.2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaeq3oSs8qQ #
- colourama 2010 is back!! http://ow.ly/2uLnG #
- Munchausen flash cartridge demo with NTRQ (alpha) http://ow.ly/2uMMT #
- Look out Miami! Here comes the Anamanaguchi chiptune punk band from New York City! #
TCTD Links for 2010-08-24
- There is always one weirdo on the street- Tin Foil Hat Brigade – http://ow.ly/2tTC4 #
- trash80 – Live test with Meggy Jr RGB, wiimote, and ableton http://ow.ly/2tZN8 #
- PATV : Reformat the Planet forum posts are a good outside the scene perspective on all our self indulgence http://ow.ly/2u4GB #
- “A Gentleman’s Wager” by Docfuture http://ow.ly/2u6yj #
- Palm Sounds: More details on the Pixelh8 One 128k http://ow.ly/2u7un #
- Essay: The Origin and Importance of the BRK Meme http://ow.ly/2u7Fe #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • New in the 8bitpeoples shop: Reformat the Planet DVD & Tristan Perich’s 1-Bit Symphony! http://bit.ly/8bpshop #
- RT @RaviCNN: Wow. The @Anamanaguchi Scott Pilgrim game soundtrack is 24th on the iTunes album chart. Highest a chiptune album’s ever been? #
- GameSetWatch Scott Pilgrim Versus The World great review of the film by fort90 http://ow.ly/2ucX4 #
- RT @Depreci8onGuild: Our first iPhone game is out! we present to you, TILEWILD!
http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tilewild/id386497340?mt=8# # - Toy Company: 60Hz Beta Beat 08/10 on Vimeo http://ow.ly/2uf3A #
TCTD Links for 2010-08-23
- Stu announces Japan Tour 2010 http://ow.ly/2sKvy #
- Consoul (Lasse Gjertsen 2009) 8bitish pixel movie http://ow.ly/2sKwy #
- JDDJ3J “FOR MY FANS” SHIRT http://ow.ly/2sOZu #
- nesklavier teaser – play your nsfs/roms directly on hardware http://ow.ly/2t0yI #
- Pikidoo Release 1 (VJ software) for dingoo http://ow.ly/2tnLu #
- detailed review of genesis / md audio across hardware revisions http://ow.ly/2toI2 #
- RT @XC3N: @Toy_Company with Natty, J A Keenes, Battle Lava, Touchboy and Beastmode online for a limited time on http://djweb.tv/ #
- RT @56kbpsrecords: Tutorial de LGPT en español en @culturachip , escrito por pakzero [ http://bit.ly/ab1pLF ] #
- RT @ZenAlbatross: Complete info on ALL Chiptune events happening this year at Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle • http://tumblr.com/x4ngidt8i #
- RT @Nullsleep: I wrote the original music for PongVaders • a co-op experience for the iPad by @koducogames OUT TODAY • http://bit.ly/9QeRUE #
- [cp-025] Subway Sonicbeat – 4 (I Was A Teenage Zombie) http://ow.ly/2txn3 #
- 8-bit Universal Logo is an exercise in bad after effects usage http://ow.ly/2tDYV #
- I guess the whole UK Homebrew death of chiptunes angle is being used cause a choon is way sexier than a tetris knockoff #
- RT @Craigix: http://twitpic.com/2hjoaq – iPhone dpad grip – Shoulder buttons are on the back – yes you can change grips, #
- RT @ZenAlbatross: On MoBo: Chiptune documentary Reformat The Planet free to watch this week, DVDs ship tomorrow • http://is.gd/ezzJN #
TCTD Links for 2010-08-20
- Penny Arcade is streaming Reformat The Planet http://ow.ly/2syOP #
- false assumption – mr.spastic’ #
- Pulsar updates with video: http://ow.ly/2szcd #
- nanoloop 2.3 comp – a selection of nanoloop 2.3 tracks http://ow.ly/2sAUZ #
- RT @Nullsleep: Video of my set from GeekDown at 92YTribeca. Doing double-duty on A/V. Thanks @nismazaman • http://vimeo.com/14186417 #
- Phlogiston – Warlock Bentspine http://ow.ly/2sCjN #
- Rhythm Core Alpha for the DSi appeared http://ow.ly/2sCkZ #
- Droidsound mod player for Android appeared http://ow.ly/2sCt9 #
- New ComputeHer album Modemoiselle Free Download this week! http://ow.ly/2sD3t #
- Reformat the Planet, Reformatted for DVD interview #
- Composing for 1-bit Microchip: Tristan Perich http://ow.ly/2sDsa #
- Kashioboy – Dingoo A320 and Korg Monotron http://ow.ly/2sDUp #
- Penny Arcade Chip Showcase flier is S’NICE http://ow.ly/2sDWs #
- Anamanaguchi – Aurora b/w Densmore http://ow.ly/2sE2v #
- oh yea.. i’m back. #
- RT @ZenAlbatross: On OSV: The Official #PAX 2009 DVD by @2PProductions (Review) — http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=11310 #
- probertson: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game angifs http://ow.ly/2sEED #
- RT @kungfumasta484: Scott Pilgrim Game Soundtrack Set For iTunes News: #