For fans of Joy Division, glomag’s Joy Division covers.. Nice stuff!
Category: Live Events
OxygenStar and Kurisu Bearcub’s video game console party !!
For those who were in Europe or at Pulsewave, here’s what went down. Lots were dancing. Others were playing NBA JAM or GOLDENEYE. I was told to turn down. Peep it!
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
My first day at Blip Europe by glomag
My spider-sense is tingling… Aalborg, DK 072309
Chip musicians were arriving all day on Friday like flies attracted to shit. Luckily there was a very large spider present to capture us all (see picture)
Sweden is well represented here amongst performers and attendees. Jonas from Microdisko (the best drinking partner ever,) had helped promote the event. He found us at the hostel in the early afternoon and we headed over to the venue for sound checks. Another nice surprise: Divag, who I had met years ago at a show in Paris made it up here as well with his girlfriend. Psilodump showed up during sound check as did Covox.
Blip Europe Tour Blog: glomag
From left to right, Akira, Herr_prof, PDF Editor: A number of International chip music artists are traipsing throughout Europe, chevy chase style for a series of gigs, most notably Blip Festival Europe. TCTD will be presenting tour diaries from selected artists over the next few days, enjoy!
Got to Copenhagen a day earlier than those other losers. Snorted all the coke, made the Danish sick of chip music and generally offended the entire town in one day. I take this ‘advance man’ shit srsly. Guess I’ll push the hooker out of bed, get a shower and go meet those guys at the airport, protesting my innocence as the TV News reports on my exploits. Yawn.
DIF Summer Show Spectacular Video!!
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Well, I seem to still be recovering from this show!! It was a doozey, and I cant wait until the next one!!