Category: Live Events

  • Pulswave 3rd Anniversary Demo

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Download the NES ROM here

    Anyone coming to the show tonight? Come say hi!

    via F*BC

  • joystiq: SXSW 2009: Datapop tuneage

    While we’re scampering around GDC in the hunt for gaming goodness, we thought we’d drop a bootleg tune from last week’s Datapop concert party at SXSW, which went exceedingly well. The venue was packed with sweaty chiptune lovers, and it actually rocked a lot more than we thought it would. Check out the gallery below from the event, and bounce along to the song from Sievert — embedded at the bottom of the post.

    via SXSW 2009: Datapop tuneage for your Tuesday.

  • Datapop at SXSW

    By all account it looks like a fun show. Some youtube videos have appeared online:

    And there is this spazztasically positive impression of IAYD:

    IAYD set was not the griddy, tailored fare you might expect from a the duo of hacked GameBoy casings he spent his set thumbing: It was a roaring, hideous, infectious, mindless, rapturous, caveman technosplosion that sent us all into fits. If chiptunery ever seemed cold or inhuman, IAYDs set flipped it right into hot and downright alien

    -The Phoenix

  • Micromusic March Update

    rockin’ new tunez presented and approved by the QFS:

    Storm                    by Kyotosapian
    Sh6w                     by Dr. von Pnok
    Connect.                 by CS
    dr. sleepgood 2          by pocketmaster
    Barefoot Mailman         by stochastc
    Valentine’s Day Acid     by Jellica
    Jj                       by .sylCMYK

    Also a number of events have been added to the list.

  • DutyCycle II Sampler

    dcij1o5gvl73ywwwo13bcny6o1_400The Sanfran Chip collective “DutyCycle” have put together a music sampler for their upcoming show.

    Grab it:

    Track Listing:

    1. Mr. Spastic – Innaface
    2. A_Rival – A_Rival
    3. Two Playa Game – First Strike Weapon
    4. WDUWSTS – Waiting
    5. cris2600 – STAPH&Math

    Its cool seeing different groups trying different techniques to get new listeners out to shows, and I hope to see this trend continue in the future. Currently most of the chip promotion, at least in the states seems to be inwardly focused and not enough is done to get new faces invovled. Share your tips for show promotion in the comments.!