Glomag’s long awaited new release it out, and its fucking killer. Blending artful use of LSDJ with vox, sound design, and mellotron(!), this is defininatly one of my favorite releases of recent memory. Check it out Now. Now I mean it. RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
Category: Labels
Labels that highlight the best of the genre balancing innovation and strong technical mastery of the limitations inherent on chip platforms.
Scrubs Helping Scrubs: Dauragon interviewed for NPR
Parris Haynie writes Chiptunes music under the pseudonym Dauragon C. Mikado, a name inspired from the main villain in the Playstation 2 game, The Bouncer. In his room, Haynie says, he creates his hip hop infused Chiptunes songs using a program called Nanoloop. He presses the buttons on the clearly aged game boy to form patterns of notes in the program and the small speakers output this.
Read the interview here:
You can also grab his split with E.S.C and big-chip, Bitches, out on kittenrock now.
Micromusic March Update
rockin’ new tunez presented and approved by the QFS:
Storm by Kyotosapian
Sh6w by Dr. von Pnok
Connect. by CS
dr. sleepgood 2 by pocketmaster
Barefoot Mailman by stochastc
Valentine’s Day Acid by Jellica
Jj by .sylCMYKAlso a number of events have been added to the list.
Fade To Fall Cd Release
Birdleaf IV: Birdleaf's Dead Last fall’s release gets the loving cd treatment, along with bonus tracks, plus the online release of the tasty winter installment Seasonal Affective. From Hemlock:
Hemlock Records is now accepting pre-orders for the Fade To Fall CD! As many of your remember, we released this EP as a free download on our website back in October. We now have a beautiful handmade, silk-screened CD packaged in eco-friendly materials. This CD not only has the original 6 tracks in full, uncompressed quality, but it also features 5 bonus tracks and remixes. Take a listen to our bonus track sampler at:Pre-order:, we are simultaneously releasing the second chapter in our chip music series. Seasonal Affective is our take on the Winter season and is now available as a free download. Listen, look, and read more about it here: -
Manwe “Aliasing” out on UBIKTUNE
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Ambient shoegazy stuff from UBIKTUNE done mainly on Nintendo DS’s running the DS-10 software. Get it here, along with the SAV fle for those with flashcarts to check the songs out. Fun!