Category: Labels

Labels that highlight the best of the genre balancing innovation and strong technical mastery of the limitations inherent on chip platforms.

  • CulturaChip MicroCompo Master System

    CulturaChip MicroCompo Master System

    Another defying and exciting compo comes from the worlwide alliance for retro-arts supporting in spanish/portuguese speaking countries, mostly known as CulturaChip. This time, Sega Master System sound chip, the SN79489, is the target of all aims.

    With the help of Delek’s emerging multisystem tracker (other plattaforms were of course allowed), Deflemask*, 4 chippers among CulturaChip held a fight against the limitations of this chip to get the hack right on the spot.

    Conceived by Sergeeo, organized by Rolemusic, and aknowlegded in the community forum, this compo started few weeks ago, with a deadline for track submitting from February 22th to the 29th of the same month. After the sonic harvesting, a voting were open to all the members of the forum from March 1st to March 3rd. Now the final score is out and the voting results are:


    1)Death on the battlefield…..rolemusic…….58
    2)Happy ending……………..sergeeo/yzyx*…56
    CC CompoSN79489*
    3)Lonely Robot……………..Pak-Zer0……..49


    1)Happy ending……………..sergeeo………27
    2)CC CompoSN79489…………..yzyx…………24
    3)Death on the battlefield…..rolemusic…….23
    3)Lonely Robot……………..Pak-Zer0……..21

    A nice html album cover can be found on the new section on CC’s web mesh in :

    Download link
    * Deflemask website:



    REBOOT-INDONESIA brings an exquisite perspective of a scene which has found its own sound & roots, delivering outstanding & memorable performances.

    1. SEBIRON – Megamix the Gunblaze
    2. SEBIRON – Seacord ( Seatech )
    3. JW86 – Magical Rainbow Castle
    4. JW86 – Brain Dead Sunday
    5. TURBO BLIP – The Stars and the Ocean
    6. TURBO BLIP – Seashore Romance
    7. SUNDAY CAROUSEL – Hey Jules
    8. SUNDAY CAROUSEL – C’mon Rider
    9. LOCAL DRUG STORE – I Wanna kill your sister
    10. LOCAL DRUG STORE – Virgin


  • Plasma Face – The Golden Goose

    Plasma Face – The Golden Goose

    At the dawning of time, a goose was born. Its golden plumes shone with the brilliance of one thousand suns — so vivid, so golden that all the creatures in all the land cowered in fear. Each gasp of wonder and sigh of veneration fueled the goose to ultimate power. Try as they might to prepare, not a beast or brave soul in his whole world could have been ready for the judgement days of the GOLDEN GOOSE.

    via Plasma Face – The Golden Goose | Pause.

  • ein sof – nullsleep

    ein sof – nullsleep

    the one kness,
    but was that it searly black
    the synthe trackin’,
    expering with he is pure
    which known from the violating.

    motival influent. several monics,
    see throughout relears the music
    of a cynicated inducer waters.

    amazon, aol, parents and feeline.
    as one, the peated and it grips you
    everdose or ital editive work
    all through it lovel-voicense:

    physical planese seek such teacha retro,
    psychedelive would has the creation,
    attribution of collaboration is
    find in the past yet obsession
    releas and system–heavy fusions.

    the two html tags,
    you must to had dmitive, die –
    ride with maximum effort.
    beyond it releases in 2, 2012


  • The Torture Of Humans For The Sake Of Art | Wizwars

    The Torture Of Humans For The Sake Of Art | Wizwars

    Wizwars offers for your consideration a collection of pieces that I can only describe as “Art for the fucking sake of Art”. Eleven noisy as shit experimental tracks that just may finally snap you out of that seasonal affective disorder funk.

    via The Torture Of Humans For The Sake Of Art | Datathrash Recordings.